Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events in the year July 2010 - June 2011.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from
June-August 2012, please see our video archive.
For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please
consult the audio/slides home page.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
- October 5, 2010: Pietro Belotti, Clemson University:
Couenne, an Open-Source solver for non-convex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization
- November 2, 2010: Tim Davidson, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University:
Semidefinite relaxation in action: Efficient "soft" demodulation for wireless communication systems with multiple antennas.
- November 2, 2010: Ramy Gohary, RIM-Carleton Research Project, Manager:
Jointly Optimal Design of The Transmit Covariance and The Relay Precoder in Amplify-and-Forward Relay Channels
- December 7, 2010: Yurii Nesterov, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Université catholique de Louvain:
Recent advances in Structural Optimization
- October 5, 2010: Alkis Vazacopoulos, FICO:
Using Mixed Integer Programming to Solve Sequencing, Scheduling and Packing Problems
- February 1, 2011: Arian Novruzi, University of Ottawa:
Optimal shape design and hydrogen fuel cells
- February 1, 2011: Jeff Renfro, Honeywell Process Solutions:
Overview of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Optimal Control Technology used in Industrial Process Control Applications
- March 1, 2011: Nick Sahinidis, Carnegie Mellon University:
Global optimization of nonconvex NLPs and MINLPs with BARON
- March 1, 2011: Jose M. Pinto, Praxair R&D:
Risk Management in the Industrial Gas Supply Chain
- April 5, 2011: Boris Mordukhovich, Wayne State University:
Generalized Newton's Method Based on Graphical Derivatives
- April 5, 2011: San Yip, Suncor Energy:
Challenges of Integrating Planning and Scheduling in Oil Industry
- May 3, 2011: Andrew Jardine and Dragan Banjevic, University of Toronto:
On the Optimization of Condition-Based Maintenance Decisions
- May 3, 2011: Norm Hann, Hydro One:
Closing the Crevice: Achieving Valuable Maintenance Analyses by Linking Corporate Data with Maintenance Analysis Software
- June 7, 2011: Kim B. McAuley, Queen's University:
Optimization for Development of Reliable Fundamental Models
- June 7, 2011: Keith Marchildon, Keith Marchildon Chemical Process Design Inc.:
Modeling Successes in a Polymer Production Process
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- October 27, 2010: Emanuel Derman, Columbia University:
Metaphors, Models & Theories in Science and Finance
- November 24, 2010: Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Carson Family Professor of Finance, Columbia University:
On the Relative Pricing of long Maturity S&P 500 Index Options and CDX Tranches
- November 24, 2010: Kostas Kardaras, Boston University:
Pricing and hedging barrier options in diffusion models via 3-dimensional Bessel bridges
- September 29, 2010: Alexey Kuznetsov, York University:
Meromorphic Levy processes and their applications in Finance and Insurance
- September 29, 2010: Liuren Wu, Professor of Economics and Finance, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College:
A New Approach to Constructing Implied Volatility Surfaces
- October 27, 2010: Fernando Zapatero, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California:
Executive Stock Options as a Screening Mechanism
- February 23, 2011: Mike Ludkovski, UCSB:
Price Discrepancies and Optimal Timing to Buy Options
- March 30, 2011: Rafael Mendoza-Arriaga, The University of Texas at Austin:
Constructing Markov Processes with Dependent Jumps by Multivariate Subordination: Applications to Multi-Name Credit-Equity Modeling
- March 30, 2011: Alfred Lehar, University of Calgary:
Macroprudential capital requirements and systemic risk
- April 27, 2011: Xunyu Zhou, Oxford University:
Behavioural Portfolio Choice
- April 27, 2011: Patrick Cheridito, Princeton University:
Pricing and Hedging in Affine Models with Possibility of Default
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- November 26, 2010: Timothy David, University of Canterbury:
The Challenge of Multiple Scales in the Biological Sciences: Applications in Cerebro-vascular Perfusion
- December 14, 2010: Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh:
Double or Nothing: The Blinking Brain
- January 18, 2011: Dr. Will Ryu, University of Toronto:
Bacteria and worm behavior: a systems-level study of signaling, time scales, and stereotyped motions
- February 18, 2011: Dr. Christoph Haselwandter, Applied Physics & Materials Science, Caltech:
Symmetry of membrane polyhedra
- March 15, 2011: John Milton, Claremont College:
Multistability and the onset of epileptic seizures
- April 19, 2011: Michael Mackey, McGill University:
Using mathematical modeling to tailor the administration of G-CSF in disease states
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- November 1, 2010: Cédric Villani, Institut Henri Poincaré,Paris & Université Claude Bernard Lyon I:
What is the fate of the solar system?
- November 3, 2010: Cedric Villani, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris & Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1:
Particle systems and Landau damping
- November 4, 2010: Cedric Villani, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris & Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1:
From echo analysis to nonlinear Landau damping (no slides)
- January 20, 2011: Shing-Tung Yau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Harvard University:
Further Exploration of the Shape of Inner Space
- January 21, 2011: Shing-Tung Yau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Harvard University:
Mass and Momentum in General Relativity
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Viviane Baladi, CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure:
Exponential decay of correlations for piecewise hyperbolic contact flows
- Luis Benet, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
Escaping orbits shaping narrow planetary rings: A billiard example
- Sergey Bolotin, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Second species solutions of the 3 body problem
- Florentino Borondo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
Quantum-like Poincare-Birkhoff theorem
- Abed Bounemoura, Institut Mathématique de Jussieu:
Stability and instability for near-linear Hamiltonian systems
- Hendrik W. Broer, University of Groningen:
Resonance and fractal geometry
- Leonid Bunimovich, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Focusing components of chaotic billiards should be absolutely focusing
- Wei Cheng, Nanjing University:
Integrability by means of variational methods
- Nikolai Chernov, University of Alabama at Birmingham:
Stable regimes for hard disks in a channel with twisting walls
- Luigi Chierchia, Università "Roma Tre":
Full torsion in the planetary N-body problem
- Pablo Cincotta, Universidad Nacional de La Plata:
Open problems in Dynamical Astronomy
- Jacopo De Simoi, University of Roma "Tor Vergata":
Cyclicity one elliptic islands in the standard family
- Amadeu Delshams, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya:
Talk on recent work
- Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland:
Instabilities of area preserving flows on surfaces
- Gerard Gómez, Universitat de Barcelona:
Some Transport Mechanisms in the Solar System
- Marcel Guardia, Fields Institute/ U. of Toronto:
Diffusion along mean motion resonances in the restricted three body problem
- Massimiliano Guzzo, University of Padova:
Numerical investigations of a conjecture by N.N. Nekhoroshev about stability in quasi-integrable systems
- Jean - Pierre Marco, Université Paris 6:
Generic properties of classical systems on T^2 with applications to diffusion
- P. J. Morrison, University of Texas at Austin:
Transport, Arnold Diffusion, Stability, and Negative Energy Modes
- Anatoly Neishtadt, Loughborough University/Space Research Institute:
Averaging, passages through resonances, and captures into resonance in dynamics of charged particles
- Maria Saprykina, KTH School of Engineering Sciences:
Examples of Hamiltonian systems with Arnold diffusion
- David Sauzin, Observatoire de Paris:
There is only one KAM curve
- Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Cambridge:
On the existence of invariant smooth Lagrangian graphs: a weak version of Liouville-Arnol’d theorem
- Arturo Vieiro, Universitat de Barcelona:
Dynamics in resonant chaotic zones: inner/outer splittings of separatrices
- Jinxin Xue, University of Maryland:
Continuous averaging proof of the Nekhoroshev theorem
- Jun Yan, Fudan University:
A New Lax-Oleinik Type Operator in Weak KAM Theory
- Ke Zhang, University of Toronto:
Arnold diffusion via normally hyperbolic cylinders
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Guillaume Bal, Columbia University:
Hybrid Inverse Problems and Internal Functionals
- Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania:
New approaches to the numerical solution of Maxwell's Equations
- Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute:
Use of 3D Ultrasound Imaging in Diagnosis, Treatment and Research
- Mathias Fink, Universite Paris 7:
Multiwave Imaging and Elastography
- Polina Golland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Non-parametric Atlas-Based Segmentation of Highly Variable Anatomy
- David Isaacson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute:
Problems in Electrical Impedance Imaging
- Ender Konukoglu, Microsoft Research, Cambridge:
Personalizing Mathematical Models with Sparse Medical Data: Applications to Tumor Growth and Electrocardiophysiology
- Jeremy Magland, University of Pennsylvania:
Processing strategies for real-time neurofeedback using fMRI
- Anne Martel, Sunnybrook Health Sciences:
Assessing response of cancer to therapy using MRI
- Michael I. Miller, Johns Hopkins University:
Diffeomorpic Shape Momentum in Computational Anatomy and Neuroinformatics
- Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis:
Statistical Analysis on Manifolds in Medical Image Analysis
- Justin Romberg, Georgia Institute of Technology:
A Survey of Compressed Sensing and Applications to Medical Imaging
- Yoram Rudy, Washington University, St. Louis:
Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia
- John Schotland, University of Michigan:
Physical Aspects of Hybrid Inverse Problems
- Emil Sidky, University of Chicago:
What does compressive sensing mean for X-ray CT and comparisons with its MRI application
- Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki:
Low-dose three-dimensional X-ray imaging
- Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and University of Washington:
Thermoacoustic tomography with a variable sound speed
- Lihong V. Wang, Washington University, St. Louis:
Photoacoustic Tomography: Ultrasonically Breaking through the Optical Diffusion Limit
- Graham Wright, Sunnybrook Health Sciences and U. of Toronto:
MRI for Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Libor Barto, McMaster University:
The Dichotomy for Conservative Constraint Satisfaction Problems Revisited
- Manuel Bodirsky, École Polytechnique:
Decidability of Definability
- Mikolaj Bojanczyk, University of Warsaw:
Automata with group actions
- Udi Boker, Hebrew University:
Temporal Specifications with Accumulative Values
- Vaclav Brozek, University of Edinburgh:
Two Views on Multiple Mean Payoff Objectives in Markov Decision Processes
- Pierre Clairambault, University of Bath:
Isomorphisms of types in the presence of higher-order references
- Yija Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong University:
Listings and logics
- Martin Churchill, University of Bath:
Imperative Programs as Proofs via Game Semantics
- Derek Dreyer, MPI-SWS:
Separation Logic in the Presence of Garbage Collection
- Cameron Freer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
#P-complete conditional distributions
- Stefan Goller, University of Bremen:
The Complexity of Verifying Ground Tree Rewrite Systems
- Sergey Goncharov, DFKI Bremen:
Powermonads and Tensoring Unranked Effects
- Jean Goubault-Larrecq, ENS Cachan:
Continuous Random Variables
- Axel Haddad, LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7:
Qualitative Tree Languages
- Ichiro Hasuo, University of Tokyo:
Semantics of Higher-Order Quantum Computation via Geometry of Interaction
- Willem Heijltjes, University of Edinburgh:
Proof nets for additive linear logic with units
- Charles Jordan, Hokkaido University:
Recent Progress in the Classification for Testability
- Eric Jui-Yi Kao, Stanford University:
Achieving cut, deduction, and other properties with a variation on quasi-classical logic
- Manfred Kufleitner, University of Stuttgart:
Languages of Dot-Depth One over Infinite Words
- Naoki Kobayashi, Tohoku University:
Higher-Order Model Checking: From Theory to Practice
- Neelakantan Krishnaswami, Microsoft Research:
Ultrametric Semantics of Reactive Programs
- Andrei Krokhin, Durham University:
The complexity of evaluating first-order sentences over a fixed structure
- Gregory Lafitte, CNRS:
Holes Punched Computabilities
- Ugo Dal Lago, Università di Bologna:
Linear Dependent Types and Relative Completeness
- Robby Lampert, Weizmann Institute:
Rigorous Approximated Determinization of Weighted Automata
- Dai Tri Man Le, University of Toronto:
Formalizing Randomized Matching Algorithms
- Florent Madelaine, University d'Auvergne:
A tretachotomy for positive first-order logic without equality
- Jean-Yves Marion, INRIA Nancy - LORIA:
A type system for complexity flow analysis
- Jakub Milchaliszyn, University of Warsaw:
The Ultimate Undecidability Result for the Halpern-Shoham Logic
- Alexandre Miquel, ENS de Lyon:
Forcing as a program transformation
- Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg, IT University of Copenhagen:
First steps in synthetic guarded domain theory: step-indexing in the topos of trees
- Michele Pagani, Institut Galilee - Universite Paris Nord:
The Computational Meaning of Probabilistic Coherence Spaces
- Toniann Pitassi, University of Toronto:
Propositional Proof Complexity: A survey on the state of the art, including some recent results
- Wang Qian, Tsinghua University:
COQ MTU: A higher-order type theory with a predicative hierarchy of universes parameterized by a decidable first-order theory
- Christian Reveros, University of Oxford:
Regular Repair of Specifications
- Silvain Rideau, Ecole normale Superieure:
Concurrent strategies
- Daniel M. Roy, University of Cambridge:
Noncomputable conditional distributions
- Pietro Sala, University of Verona:
What's decidable about Halpern and Shoham's interval logic? The maximal fragment ABBL
- Sam Sanders, Ghent University:
Computing the Infinite
- Sylvain Schmitz, University of Edinburgh:
A decidable two-way logic on data words
- Kohei Suenaga, Kyoto University, JSPS Fellow:
Programming with Infinitesimals: A WHILE-Language for Hybrid System Modeling
- Ashish Tiwari, SRI International:
Logic in Software, Dynamical and Biological Systems
- Nikos Tzevelekos, University of Leicester:
Game semantics for good general references
- Jonni Virtema, University of Tampere:
Complexity of two-variable Dependence Logic and IF-Logic
- Martin Ziegler, Techn.Univ. Darmstadt:
Computational Complexity of Quantum Satisfiability
- Ting Zhang, Iowa State University:
Can Nondeterminism Help Complementation?
- Guo-Qiang Zhang, Case Western Reserve University:
Concatenation and Kleene Star on Deterministic Finite Automata
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Ejaz Ahmed, University of Windsor:
System/Machine Bias versus Human Bias: Generalized Linear Models
- Pierre Alquier, Université Paris 7:
Bayesian estimators in high dimension: PAC bounds and Monte Carlo methods
- Rudy Beran, University of California-Davis:
Estimating Many Means: A Mosaic of Recent Methodologies
- Jiahua Chen, University of British Columbia:
Advances in EM-test for Finite Mixture Models
- Shojaeddin Chenouri, University of Waterloo:
Comparison of Two Populations of Curves with an Application in Neuronal Data Analysis
- Kjell Doksum, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Biomedical large scale inference
- Yang Feng, Columbia University:
Loss Adaptive Modified Penalty in Variable Selection
- D.A.S. Fraser, University of Toronto:
High-Dimensional: The Barrier and Bayes and Bias
- Xiaoli Gao, Oakland University:
LAD Fused Lasso Signal Approximation
- Xin Gao, York University:
Model selection for high-dimensional data with applications in feature selection and network building
- Yulia Gel, University of Waterloo:
Banded regularization of autocovariance matrices in application to parameter estimation and forecasting of time series
- Jiashun Jin, Carnegie Mellon University:
UPS delivers optimal phase diagram in high dimensional variable selection
- Timothy D. Johnson, University of Michigan:
Computational Speedup in Spatial Bayesian Image Modeling via GPU Computing
- Abbas Khalili, McGill University:
Regularization in finite mixture of regression models with diverging number of parameters
- Peter Kim, University of Guelph:
Testing Quantum States for Purity
- Samuel Kou, Harvard University:
Multi-resolution inference of stochastic models from partially observed data
- Hua Liang, University of Rochester:
Profiled Forward Regression for Ultrahigh Dimensional Variable Screening in Semiparametric Partially Linear Models
- Xihong Lin, Harvard University:
Hypothesis testing and variable selection for Studying Rare Variants in Sequencing Association Studies
- Yufeng Liu, North Carolina University:
Automatic Structure Selection for Partially Linear Models
- Jinchi Lv, University of Southern California:
Non-Concave Penalized Likelihood with NP-Dimensionality
- Bin Nan, University of Michigan:
Sparse 3D Functional Regression via Haar Wavelets
- Annie Qu, University of Illinois UC:
Conditional Inference Functions for Mixed-Effects Models with Unspecified Random-Effects Distribution
- Enayet Raheem, Windsor Essex County Health Unit:
Absolute Penalty and B-spline-based Shrinkage Estimation in Partially Linear Models
- Sunil Rao, University of Miami:
Mixing Generalized Ridge Regressions
- Xiaotong Shen, University of Minnesota:
On simultaneous supervised clustering and feature selection
- Christopher G. Small, University of Waterloo:
Multivariate analysis of data in curved shape spaces
- Hao Helen Zhang, North Carolina State University:
On Sparse Estimation for Semiparametric Linear Transformation Models
- Hongtu Zhu, University of North Carolina:
Smoothing Imaging Data in Population Studies
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- D. Dutykh, Université de Savoie-CNRS:
Dispersive and non-dispersive wave runup and some related phenomena
- I. Fine, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sydney, BC:
The NEPTUNE Canada measurements of approaching tsunamis off the British Columbia coast: an opportunity for regional modelling and forecasting
- Johannes Gemmrich, University of Victoria:
Dynamical and statistical explanations of rogue wave occurrence rates Johannes Gemmrich
- D. Greenslade, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne:
Operational tsunami forecast and warning
- Ch. Kharif, IRPHE:
Extreme sea wave modelling : Application to rogue waves
- Emile Okal, Northwestern University:
Tsunamis as normal modes of the Earth, and a venture into extracurricular geophysics
- Miguel Onorato, Università di Torino:
Triggering breathers in currents
- G. Pedersen, Universitetet i Oslo:
Topics related to tsunamis generated by rock slides
- E. Pelinovsky, RAS - Nizhny Novgorod:
Rogue Waves in the Ocean; Facts, Theories and Modelling
- Harvey Segur, University of Colorado:
- H. Yeh, Oregon State University:
Solitary-Wave Amplification along a Vertical Wall: Theory and Experiment
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Michael Anderson, Stony Brook University:
The Dirichlet problem for Einstein metrics in AdS/CFT
- Dezhong Chen, University of Toronto:
Examples of Einstein manifolds in odd dimensions
- Octav Cornea, Université de Montréal:
Lagrangian Cobordism
- Roman Golovko, Montreal/UQAM:
The cylindrical contact homology of universally tight sutured solid tori
- C. Robin Graham, University of Washington:
Conformal geometry and metrics of holonomy split G2
- Hongnian Huang, CRM:
Symmetries of extremal metrics on projective bundles and stability
- Francois Lalonde, Université de Montréal:
Homological Lagrangian monodromy
- Ben Mares, McMaster University:
Some analytic aspects of Vafa-Witten twisted N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Robert McCann, University of Toronto:
Optimal multidimensional pricing facing informational asymmetry
- Tomasz Mrowka, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Filtrations on Instanton Knot Homology
- Andre Neves, Imperial College London:
Singularities for Lagrangian mean curvature flow
- Sinem Onaran, University of Waterloo:
Legendrian Knots and Contact Structures
- João Penedones, Perimeter Institute:
Writing CFT correlation functions as AdS scattering amplitudes
- Natasa Sesum, Rutgers University:
Solitons in geometric flows
- Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute:
Integrability in/and AdS/CFT
- Katrin Wehrheim, M.I.T.:
Functoriality for Lagrangian correspondences
- Xi Yin, Harvard University:
Higher spin gauge theories and holography
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Yeo-Jin Chung, Southern Methodist University:
Strong Collapse Turbulence in Quintic Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
- Mathieu Colin, University of Bordeaux:
Laser Plasma interactions: Zakharov's System and solitary waves
- Walter Craig, McMaster University:
Birkhoff normal forms for the problem of water waves
- Edwin Ding, University of Washington:
High-Energy Passive Mode-Locking with the Sinusoidal Ginzburg-Landau Model
- Alex Himonas, University of Notre Dame:
The Cauchy problem of weakly dispersive equations
- John Hunter, University of California:
Waves with constant frequency
- Slim Ibrahim, University of Victoria:
On sharp scattering threshold for the focusing critical NLS & NLKG equations
- Levent Kurt, City University of New York:
Randomness and Stochastic Short Pulse Equation
- Nathan Kutz, University of Washington:
Modeling Mode-Locked Lasers in the Few Femtosecond Regime
- Seungly Oh, University of Kansas:
On quadratic Schroedinger equations in 1D: a normal form approach
- Didier Pilod, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro:
On Hirota-Satsuma's equation
- Zhijun Qiao, University of Texas - Pan American:
Negative order KdV equation and its soliton and kink solutions
- Anton Sakovich, McMaster University:
Wave breaking in the Ostrovsky-Hunter equation
- Tobias Schafer, City University of New York:
The NLSE and SPE as approximations of a nonlinear wave equation
- Guido Schneider, University of Stuttgart:
Why makes the NLS equation correct predictions beyond its range of validity?
- Alessandro Selvitella, McMaster University:
Some problems concerning a Quasilinear Schroedinger Equation
- Atanas Stefanov, University of Kansas:
Well-posedness and small data scattering for the generalized Ostrovsky equation
- Feride Tiglay, Fields Institute:
Integrable evolution equations on spaces of tensor densities and their peakon solutions
- Eugene Wayne, Boston University:
Asymptotic Stability of the Toda m-solitons
- Matt Williams, University of Washington:
A Reduced Order Model for the Multi-Pulse Transition in Mode-Locked Lasers
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Giada Basile, University of Bonn:
Convergence of a kinetic equation to a diffusion equation under an anomalous scaling
- Cédric Bernardin, CNRS, UMPA, Ens-Lyon:
Anomalous diffusion for a class of systems with two conserved quantities
- Thierry Bodineau, Ecole Normale Supérieure:
On long range correlations in non-equilibrium systems
- Jeremy Clark, University of Helsinki:
A Brownian limit perturbed by a microscopic periodic potential
- Stephan De Bievre, UFR de Mathématiques et Laboratoire CNRS:
Equilibration, generalized equipartition, and diffusion in dynamical Lorentz gases
- Abhishek Dhar, Raman Research Institute:
Heat conduction in disordered harmonic lattices with energy conserving noise
- Tadahisa Funaki, University of Tokyo:
An evolutional model of Young diagrams with conservation law
- Giovanni Gallavotti, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza":
BBGKY hierarchy for hard spheres
- Thomas Gilbert, Université Libre de Bruxelles:
A two-stage approach to relaxation in locally confined hard sphere systems
- Alexander Grigo, University of Toronto:
Mixing properties of a heat conduction model
- François Huveneers, Université de Paris Dauphine:
Energy transport for a particle system interacting through rare collisions
- Milton Jara, IMPA:
Second-order Boltzmann-Gibbs principle and applications
- Gianni Jona-Lasinio, Università di Roma La Sapienza:
Dynamic and static large deviations in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics: an overview
- Antti Kupiainen, University of Helsinki:
Diffusion of a Brownian Quantum Particle
- Claudio Landim, IMPA:
Action functional and quasi-potential for the Burgers equation in a bounded interval
- Joel Lebowitz, Rutgers University:
Transport Processes in Macroscopic Systems
- Raphael Lefevere, Université Denis Diderot (P7):
Large deviations of the current in collisional dynamics
- Marco Lenci, University of Bologna:
Quenched results for random Lorentz tubes
- Carlangelo Liverani, U. Roma Tor Vergata:
Fourier law and the weak coupling limit
- Jani Lukkarinen, University of Helsinki:
Kinetic description of a homogeneous Bose fluid with condensate
- Stefano Olla, CEREMADE, Université de Paris - Dauphine:
Energy diffusion: linear response and hydrodynamic limits
- Brian Ryals, New York University:
Nonequilibrium steady state of a 1D mechanical chain
- Gunter Schutz, Institut für Festkörperforschung:
Space-time correlations in the ASEP conditioned on carrying a large flux
- Imre Péter Toth, Technical University of Budapest:
A heat conduction model with localized billiard disks and weak interaction forces
- Tatiana Yarmola, Fields Institute:
Ergodic properties of some canonical systems driven by thermostats
- Lai-Sang Young, New York University:
Nonequilibrium steady states of certain dynamical models
- Lorenzo Zambotti, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie:
Large deviations of stochastic collisional dynamics
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Zavosh Amir-Khosravi, University of Toronto:
Integral models
- Henri Darmon, McGill University:
Algebraic cycles on Hilbert modular varieties
- Dylan Attwell - Duval, McGill University:
Chern numbers of Hilbert modular varieties
- Jayce Getz, McGill University:
Geometric generating series, base change, and distinction (joint work with Goresky)
- Eyal Goren, McGill University:
A survey
- Fritz Hoermann, McGill University:
Toroidal compactifications
- Steve Kudla, University of Toronto:
Arithmetic special cycles and quartic CM points
- Kumar Murty, University of Toronto:
Tate conjectures
- Shervin Shahrokhi-Tehrani, University of Toronto:
Hilbert modular forms and cohomology
- John Voight, University of Vermont:
Computing Hilbert modular forms
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- James C. Alexander, Case Western Reserve:
Cognitive structures and semiotics of mathematics
- Myrdene Anderson, Purdue University, Anthropology and Semiotics:
Qualification of Quantification across the Curriculum
- Joachim De Beule, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
Agent-Based and Mathematical modeling in Semiotic Dynamics
- Per Aage Brandt, Case Western Reserve University:
- John Deely, St. Thomas University:
The Semiosis of Mathematical Thinking
- Keith Devlin, Stanford, Mathematics:
Using a video game as a medium to represent mathematics for children learning basic mathematics
- Vitaly Kiryushchenko, St. Petersburg State School of Economics:
Maps and Signs: The Visual and the Virtual in Peirce's Semiotics
- Kalevi Kull, University of Tartu, Estonia, Biology and Semiotics:
What mathematical structure is semiosis (if any at all)?
- Solomon Marcus, Mathematical Section of the Romanian Academy, Mathematics:
Mathematics, Between Semiosis and Cognition
- Yair Neuman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev:
Semiotics, Mathematics & Information Technology: The Future is already here ...
- Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville, Semiotics and Linguistics:
The Representation of Mathematics in the Media
- Rafael Nunez, University of California, San Diego, Cognitive Science:
What is the nature of mathematics? A view from the Cognitive Science of the number line
- Wolf-Michael Roth, University of Victoria, Semiotics and Mathematics:
Tracking the Origin of Signs in Mathematical Activity: A Material Phenomenological Approach
- Fernando Soto:
Lewis Carroll's Name-Number Nexus: Snarky Wonderland Games.
- Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii:
Dyadic vs. Triadic Sign Models Through Computer Programs
- Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve, Cognitive Science:
Mental Packing and Unpacking in Mathematics
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Amine Asselah, Universite Paris-Est:
On level sets of the local times, and application to polymers
- Yuri Bakhtin, Georgia Tech:
Burgers equation with Poissonian noise
- Matthias Birkner, University Mainz:
A random walk pinning model, a conditional LDP and applications
- Erwin Bolthausen, University of Zurich:
Non-ballistic random walks in random environments
- Francesco Caravenna, University of Milano-Bicocca:
The weak coupling limit of disordered copolymer models
- Eric Cator, Delft University of Technology:
Asymptotic speed of second class particles in a rarefaction fan
- Francis Comets, Univ. Paris Diderot:
KPP equation with random, time-space depedent, rate
- Ivan Corwin, Courant Institute, NYU:
Probability Distribution of the Free Energy of the Continuum Directed Random Polymer in 1+1 dimensions
- Jean-Dominique Deuschel, TU-Berlin:
A CLT for balanced, non-elliptic random walk in balanced random environment
- Nicos Georgiou, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Large deviation rate functions for the partition function of directed polymers
- Yueyun Hu, Université Paris 13:
Random walk in random environment on trees
- Milton Jara, IMPA:
Universality of KPZ equation
- Leonid Koralov, University of Maryland:
Polymer measures and branching diffusions
- Hubert Lacoin, CEREMADE Université Paris Dauphine:
Exact critical behavior for pinning model in random correlated environment
- Oren Louidor, UCLA:
Directed polymers in random environment with heavy tails
- Neil O'Connell, University of Warwick:
Directed polymers and the quantum Toda lattice
- Jonathon Peterson, Cornell University:
Weak quenched limiting distributions for a one-dimensional random walk in a random environment
- Firas Rassoul-Agha, University of Utah:
Quenched Large Deviations for Random Walks in Random Environments and Random Potentials
- Balint Toth, Budapest University of Technology:
Scaling limits of self repelling random walks and diffusions
- Yvan Velenik, University of Geneva:
Percolation with a line of defects
- Marc Wouts, Université Paris 13:
Charged polymers with attractive charges : a first order transition
- Ofer Zeitouni, Weizmann Institute and University of Minnesota:
Recursions, tightness and limit laws: from branching random walks to Gaussian free fields and FPP
- Nikos Zygouras, Warwick:
Strong Disorder in Semi-directed Random Polymers
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Leticia Barchini, Oklahoma State University:
Computing associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules, techniques and examples
- Raul Gomez, UC San Diego:
Bessel Models for General Admissible Induced Representations: The Compact Stabilizer Case
- Bogdan Ion, University of Pittsburg:
The Hopf-Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
- Allen Knutson, Cornell University:
Polyhedral branching laws and symmetric subgroups
- Ivan Penkov, Jacobs University Bremen:
Koszul categories of sl(infinity)- , o(infinity)- , sp(infinity) - modules
- Alexey Petukhov, Jacobs University Bremen:
Joseph ideals and bounded modules
- Arturo Pianzola, University of Alberta:
Reductive group schemes, Torsors, and Extended Affine Lie Algebras
- Vera Serganova, UC Berkeley:
Borel-Weil-Bott theorem and Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand reciprocity for classical supergroups
- Oded Yacobi, University of Toronto:
Polynomial representations of general linear groups and categorifications of Fock space
- Milen Yakimov, Louisiana State University:
Quantum Schubert cells and quantum flag varieties
- Roger Zierau, Oklahoma State University:
Harmonic spinors on homogeneous spaces
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Luigi Ambrosio, Scuola Normale Superiore:
Scuola Normale Superiore
- Wilfrid Gangbo, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Sticky Particle Dynamics with Interactions
- Nassif Ghoussoub, University of British Columbia:
Homogenization, inverse problems and optimal control via selfdual variational calculus
- Alfredo Hubard, NYU:
Can you cut a convex body into five convex bodies, with equal areas and equal perimeters?
- Elton Hsu, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University:
Mass Transportation and Optimal Coupling of Brownian Motions
- Dmitry Jakobson, McGill University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics:
Curvature of Random Metrics
- Jun Kitagawa, Princeton University:
Regularity for the optimal transport problem with Euclidean distance squared cost on the embedded sphere
- Alexander Koldobsky, University of Missouri-Columbia:
Positive definite functions and stable random vectors
- Alexander Kolesnikov, MSUPA and HSE (Moscow):
Sobolev regularity of optimal transportation
- Paul Woon Yin Lee, UC Berkeley:
Generalized Ricci Curvature Bounds for Three Dimensional Contact Subriemannian Manifolds
- Joseph Lehec, Universit Paris-Dauphine:
A stochastic formula for the entropy and applications
- Michael Loss, School of Mathematics, Georgia Tech:
Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequalities via Fast Diffusion Flows
- Gabriel Maresch, TU Vienna:
Optimal and Better Transport Plans
- Mark Meckes, Case Western Reserve University:
The magnitude of a metric space
- Emanuel Milman, University of Toronto:
A generalization of Caffarelli's Contraction Theorem via heat-flow
- Brendan Pass, University of Toronto:
The multi-marginal optimal transportation problem
- Alexander Plakhov, University of Aveiro:
Optimal mass transportation and billiard scattering by rough bodies
- Marjolaine Puel, IMT Toulouse, France:
Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto scheme for a relativistic cost
- Emil Saucan, Department of Mathematics, Technion, Haifa, Israel:
Triangulation and discretizations of metric measure spaces
- Yi Wang, Princeton University:
The Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities of k+1-convex domains
- Micah Warren, Princeton University:
Parabolic optimal transport equations on compact manifolds
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Sergey Bezuglyi, Institute for Low Temperature Physics:
Homeomorphic measures on a Cantor set
- Lewis Bowen, Texas A&M University:
Entropy of group actions on probability spaces
- Pandelis Dodos, University of Athens:
Density Ramsey theory of trees
- Ilijas Farah, York University:
Classification of nuclear C*-algebras and set theory
- Kei Funano, Kumamoto University:
Concentration of maps and group actions
- Eli Glasner, Tel Aviv University:
Topological groups with Rohlin properties
- Yonatan Gutman, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée:
Minimal hyperspace actions of Homeo(bw\w)
- Jose Iovino, The University of Texas at San Antonio:
From discrete to continuous arguments in logic. What is needed and why
- Jakub Jasinski, University of Toronto:
Ramsey degrees of boron tree structures
- Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Point realizations of near-actions of groups of isometries
- Claude Laflamme, University of Calgary:
The hypergraph of copies of countable homogeneous structures
- Arkady Leiderman, Ben-Gurion University:
On topological properties of the space of subgroups of a discrete group
- Hanfeng Li, SUNY at Buffalo:
Entropy for actions of sofic groups
- Julien Melleray, Univ. Lyon 1:
Applications of continuous logic to the theory of Polish groups
- Matthias Neufang, The Fields Institute and Carleton University:
Topological centres for group algebras, actions, and quantum groups
- Jan Pachl, Fields Institute:
Uniform measures and ambitable groups
- Norbert Sauer, University of Calgary:
On the oscillation stability of universal metric spaces
- Kostyantyn Slutskyy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Classes of topological similarity in Polish groups
- Slawomir Solecki, University of Illinois:
Finite Ramsey theorems
- Lionel Nguyen Van Thé, Université Aix-Marseille 3, Paul Cézanne:
Universal flows for closed subgroups of the permutation group of the integers
- Todor Tsankov, Paris 7:
Unitary representations of oligomorphic groups
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Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Matt Ando, University of Illinois:
Equivariant elliptic cohomology, loop group representations, and the fibered WZW models of Distler and Sharpe
- Vigleik Angeltveit, University of Chicago:
On the Algebraic K-theory of Z/p^n
- Clark Barwick, Harvard University:
Equivariant derived algebraic geometry and K-theory
- Mark Behrens, MIT:
The homotopy groups of the E(2)-local sphere at large primes, revisited
- Andrew Blumberg, University of Texas:
TTH of Waldhausen categories and the localization sequence for THH(ku)
- Ralph Cohen, Stanford University:
String Topology and Calabi-Yau structures in (infinity) categories
- John Francis, Northwestern University:
E_n geometry
- André Henriques, University of Utrecht:
Composition of defects
- Mike Hill, University of Virginia:
Equivarient Computations and the Kervaire Invariant
- Po Hu, Wayne State University:
Equivarient and Real motivic homotopy theory
- Dan Isaksen, Wayne State University:
Stable motivic homotopy groups over Spec R
- Gerd Laures, University of Bochum:
How to compute Toda brackets with modular forms
- Michael Mandell, Indiana University:
Cochains and Homotopy theory
- Niko Naumann, University of Regensburg:
Secondary Invariants for String Bordism and tmf
- Christian Schlichtkrull, University of Bergen:
Diagram spaces and symmetric spectra
- Neil Strickland, University of Sheffield:
Self-injective rings and the Generating Hypothesis
- Giancolo Tabuada, University of Lisboa:
Non-commutative motives.
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Radoslaw Adamczak, University of Warsaw / Fields Institute:
Random matrices with independent log-concave rows
- David Alonso, Universidad de Zaragoza, Fields Institute:
Volume of Lp-zonotopes and best best constants in Brascamp-Lieb inequalities
- Alexander Barvinok, University of Michigan:
Gaussian and almost Gaussian formulas for volumes and the number of integer points in polytopes
- Gautier Berck:
Invariant distributions in integral geometry
- Julio Bernues, University of Zaragoza:
Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions
- Maria A. Hernandez Cifre, Universidad de Murcia:
On the location of roots of Steiner polynomials
- Andrea Colesanti, Universita' di Firenze:
Integral functionals verifying a Brunn-Minkowski type inequality
- Nikolaos Dafnis, University of Athens:
Small ball probability estimates, ?_2-behavior and the hyperplane conjecture
- Dmitry Faifman, Tel-Aviv University:
The Poisson summation formula uniquely characterizes the Fourier Transform
- Kei Funano, Kumamoto University:
Concentration of measure phenomenon and eigenvalues of Laplacian
- Olivier Guedon, Université Paris-Est Marne-La-Vallée:
Embedding from lpn into lrN for 0 < r < p < 2
- Christoph Haberl, Vienna University of Technology:
Minkowski valuations intertwining the special linear group
- Martin Henk, University of Magdeburg:
The average Frobenius number
- Daniel Hug, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology:
Volume and mixed volume inequalities in stochastic geometry
- C Hugo Jimenez, University of Seville:
On the extremal distance between two convex bodies
- Hermann Koenig, University of Kiel, Germany:
The chain rule as a functional equation
- Rafal Latala, University of Warsaw:
Moments of unconditional logarithmically concave vectors
- A. Litvak, University of Alberta):
On the Euclidean metric entropy
- Elizabeth Meckes, Case Western Reserve University:
Another observation about operator compressions
- Emanuel Milman, University of Toronto:
Properties of isoperimetric, spectral-gap and log-Sobolev inequalities via concentration
- Fedor Nazarov, University of Wisconsin at Madison:
Hormander's proof of the Bourgain-Milman theorem
- Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz, Institute of Mathematics: University of Warsaw & Polish Academy of Sciences:
Feige's inequality
- Mikhail Ostrovskii, St. Johns University, Queens, NY:
Properties of metric spaces which are not coarsely embeddable into a Hilbert space
- Grigoris Paouris, Texas A&M University:
On the existence of subgaussian directions for log-concave measures
- Carla Peri, Università Cattolica - Piacenza:
On the reconstruction of inscribable sets in discrete tomography
- Peter Pivovarov, Fields Institute:
On the volume of random convex sets
- Matthias Reitzner, Univ. Osnabrueck:
Poisson-Voronoi approximation
- Mark Rudelson, University of Missouri:
Spectral properties of random conjunction matrices
- Roman Vershynin, University of Michigan:
Estimation of covariance matrices
- Jie Xiao, Memorial University:
Volume Integral Means of Holomorphic Mappings
- Deane Yang, Polytechnic Institute of NYU:
Towards an Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski theory
- Vladyslav Yaskin, University of Alberta:
The geometry of p-convex intersection bodies
- Maryna Yaskina, University of Alberta:
University of Alberta
- Deping Ye, The Fields Institute:
On the homothety conjecture
- Artem Zvavitch, Kent State University:
Some geometric properties of Intersection Body Operator
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Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Chris Bauch, University of Guelph:
Introductory Heterogeniety Lecture II
- Zhilan Feng, Purdue University:
Modeling the evolutionary implications of influenza medication strategies
- Daozhou Gao, University of Miami:
A multi-patch malaria model with demographic structure
- John Glasser, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Modeling the potential impact of heterogeneity in vaccine coverage due to religious and philosophical exemptions
- Amy Greer, Public Health Agency of Canada:
Modelling heterogeneities in Chlamydia data for street involved youth
- Hongbin Guo, York University:
Stability analysis of an epidemic model with multi-group and multi-infectious-stage structure for infectious diseases
- Karl Hadeler, U. of Tuebingen and Arizona State U:
Multigroup populations, pair formation, and epidemic disease
- Jane Heffernan, York University:
Immuno-epidemiology: bringing together within-host and between-host dynamics for measles
- Ying-hen Hsieh, China Medical University:
Transmission Heterogeneity of 2009 pH1N1 in Central Taiwan: Some Preliminary Results
- Renée Larocque and David O'Brien, IDRC:
Introduction to IDRC and the Global Health Research Initiative
- Jie Lou, Shanghai University:
A modeling based scenario analysis for optimal HIV/AIDS prevention strategies in China's high prevalence regions
- Jing Qing, University of Miami:
Traveling Waves in Diffusive Ross-Macdonald Type Host-Vector Models
- Gauthier Sallet, INRIA & IRD:
Differential susceptibility and infectivity. Application to transmission of HBV in Subsaharian Africa
- Beate Sander, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion:
Evaluating health and economic outcomes for H1N1
- Yiming Shao, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
Progress, Challenge and New Strategy of AIDS Prevention and Control in China
- Yanni Xiao, Xi'an Jiaotong University:
Community-based measures for mitigating the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in China
- Ping Yan, Public Health Agency of Canada:
Introductory Heterogeniety Lecture I
- Xiaoqiang Zhao, Memorial University of Newfoundland:
A Tuberculosis Model with Seasonality
- Xingfu Zou, University of Western Ontario:
Dynamics of an epidemic model with non-local infections for diseases with latency over a patchy environment
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Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Rob Beardmore, Imperial College London:
Antibiotic cycling
- Chris Bowman, Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council of Canada:
Transmission Dynamics of Drug-resistant Strains Driven by Treatment
- Nick Daneman, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre:
Facile Solutions for a [Clostridium] difficile Problem
- Sylvain Gandon, Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive:
Evolutionary epidemiology of drug-resistance in space
- Fran Jamieson:
The Dark at the End of the Tunnel: The Looming Threat of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
- Ram Laxminarayan, Princeton University:
Transboundary problems in infectious diseases
- Marc Lipsitch, Harvard University:
How is coexistence between drug-susceptible and -resistant bacteria maintained
- James Lloyd-Smith, University of California, Los Angeles:
Disease emergence in populations with heterogeneous immunocompetence
- Alison McGeer, Mount Sinai Hospital:
Antiviral resistance and influenza
- Seyed Moghadas, University of Winnipeg:
Within-Host Dynamics of Influenza Drug-Resistance
- Shigui Ruan, University of Miami:
Modeling Transmission Dynamics of Antibiotic- Resistant Bacteria in Hospitals
- Yanyu Xiao, University of Western Ontario:
A modified Ross-MacDonald model with latency for malaria dynamics
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Murray Alexander, National Research Council Canada:
Control of influenza A virus infection by varying death rates of infected cells: Analysis of a spatial model
- Vahid Anvari, York University:
The Artificial Immune Systems Algorithm Inspired by Dendritic Cells
- Catherine Beauchemin, Ryerson University:
In-host influenza
- Stanca Ciupe, University of Louisiana at Lafayette:
Modeling antibody responses during viral infections
- Jessica Conway, University of British Columbia:
Branching process model of viral load and viral blips in individuals on treatment for HIV
- Hana Dobrovolny, Ryerson University:
Neuraminidase inhibitor treatment of seasonal and severe influenza
- Venkata Duvvuri, York University:
Highly conserved cross-reactive CD4+ T-cell Hemagglutinin epitopes of seasonal and the 2009 pandemic influenza viruses and their role in the infection dynamics
- Raluca Eftemie, McMaster University:
Mathematical modeling of cancer immunotherapies: the anti-tumor effect of immune cells versus the anti-tumor effect of oncolytic viruses
- Jonathan Forde, Hobart and William Smith Colleges:
Modeling Hepatitis Delta Infection
- Mike Gilchrist, University of Tennessee:
Nested Models of Disease Evolution and Its Implications for Understanding Drug Resistance
- Andreas Handel, University of Georgia:
How sticky should a virus be? The impact of attachment and detachment rates on virus fitness using influenza as an example
- Jane Heffernan, York University:
Short Course: Intro to in-host modelling
- Jane Heffernan, York University:
Backward bifurcation in a HBV/HCV model
- Ben Holder, Ryerson University:
Non-exponential delays in the influenza infection cycle: evidence from in vitro experiments
- Shingo Iwami, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST):
Estimate of viral productivity and infectivity in vitro
- Abdolamir Landi, University of Saskatchewan:
Maturation of Dendritic Cells: Potentials for Mathematical Modelling
- Neal Madras, York University:
Stochastic Modeling of Pathogen Mutation and CTL Escape
- Seyed Moghadas, University of Winnipeg:
Within-Host Dynamics of Influenza Drug-Resistance
- Shinji Nakaoka, University of Tokyo:
A mathematical model for cell division, death and differentiation of CD4 positive T cells
- Avidan Neumann, Bar-Ilan University:
Viral Dynamics Modeling - from theory to clinical implications
- Redouane Qesmi, York University:
HIV Infection Through Breastfeeding Model with Threshold Delay
- Tim Reluga, Pennsylvania State University:
A Homeostasis Hypothesis for Hepatitis C Treatment Dynamics
- Bhargavi Duvvuri (York University) & Beni Sahai (Cadham Provincial Laboratory & University of Winnipeg):
Short Course: Immunology
- Beni Sahai, Cadham Provincial Laboratory & University of Winnipeg:
Principles of Immunological Control of Antiviral Drug Resistance
- Robert Smith?, University of Ottawa:
Modelling mutation to a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte HIV vaccine
- Naveen Vaidya, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Immunologic Benefits of Enfuvirtide despite Virologic Failure due to the Emergence of Resistance
- Sylvia van den Hurk, University of Saskatchewan:
The role of Th1/Th2 polarization in RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS disease and vaccination
- Lindi Wahl, University of Western Ontario:
Understanding drug resistance in evolving populations of fungus: theory and experiment
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- Sami Assaf, MIT:
Affine dual equivalence
- Jason Bandlow, University of Pennsylvania:
The Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for $k$-Schur functions
- Elizabeth Beazley, University of Michigan:
Quantum Schubert Calculus and Maximal Newton Polygons
- Chris Berg, York University, Fields Institute:
A bijection on core partitions.
- Jonah Blasiak, University of Chicago:
Canonical bases for $k$-atoms
- Micheal Ehrig, Mathematisches Institut der Universität zu Köln:
Categorification of quantum sl(n) tensor products and KR-crystals
- Ghislain Fourier, Mathematisches Institut der Universität zu Köln:
Another basis and pattern for irreducible A_n-Modules
- Stephen Griffeth, University of Edinburgh:
Representation theory and Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
- Joel Kamnitzer, University of Toronto:
Mirkovic-Vilonen cycles and MV basis
- Thomas Lam, University of Michigan:
Affine Stanley symmetric functions I, II & III
- Thomas Lam, University of Michigan:
From k-Schur functions to quantum Schubert polynomials via the Toda lattice
- Luc Lapointe, Universidad de Talca:
k-Schur functions: definitions, atomic properties and k-poset I
- Luc Lapointe, Universidad de Talca:
k-Schur functions: definitions, atomic properties and k-poset II
- Luc Lapointe, Universidad de Talca:
k-Schur functions: definitions, atomic properties and k-poset III
- Changzheng Li, Korea Institute for Advanced Study:
Relationships between quantum cohomology of complete and partial flag varieties.
- Jennifer Morse, Drexel University:
Affine combinatorial refinement of Schur functions I
- Jennifer Morse, Drexel University:
Affine combinatorial refinement of Schur functions II
- Jennifer Morse, Drexel University:
Affine combinatorial refinement of Schur functions III
- Reiho Sakamoto, University of Tokyo:
Combinatorics of a tropical integrable model
- Luis Serrano, University of Michigan:
Noncommutative Schur functions
- Lenny Tevlin, New York University:
An Introduction to Quasi-symmetric and Noncommutative Symmetric Functions
- Hugh Thomas, University of New Brunswick:
A Littlewood-Richardson rule for the equivariant cohomology of Grassmannians
- Peter Tingley, MIT:
Affine sl(n) crystals and fusion rules
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing
- James Drake, Hospital for Sick Children:
Neuromechanics and Neurosurgery -Inseparable!
- Corina S. Drapaca, Center for Neural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University:
New Developments in the Modeling of the Material Brain
- Patrick Drew, Center for Neural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University:
Balloons, bagpipes, and blood - Imaging single vascular dynamics in the awake mouse cortex
- Almut Eisentrager, Oxford University Mathematical Institute:
Multi-fluid poro-elastic modelling of the CDF infusion test
- Joseph T. Francis, SUNY Downstate Medical Center:
Erasing Sensorimotor Memories: A Novel Tool for Probing LTP's Influence on Learning and Memory
- Kristian Franze, University of Cambridge:
Mechanosensitivity of CNS cells in health and disease
- Jurgen Germann, Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics:
Experience forms the brain: Using structural MRI to study training induced brain plasticity in adult mice
- Bruce Gluckman, Center for Neural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University:
Implant Damage as motivation for studying neural mechanics
- Paul Janmey, Institute for Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania:
Mechanosensing by neurons and astrocytes
- Miles Johnston, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto:
An alternative approach to understanding the pressure gradients in the brain that induce hydrocephalus
- Leslie Loew, R.D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis, University of Connecticut Health Center:
Design, Use and Application of Voltage Sensitive Dyes for Imagin Neuronal Physiology
- Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
MRI-based model of TBA vis-a-vis random fractal geometry of brain
- Katerina Papoulia, University of Waterloo:
Hyperelastic vs. hypoelastic models in finite strain viscoelasticity
- Richard Penn, Neurosurgery, University of Chicago:
William of Ockham looks at theories of Hydrocephalus
- Andrew Sharp, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine:
Penetration Mechanics and Mechanical Properties of Mouse Brain Tissue
- K. P. Unnikrishnan, University of Michigan:
Graph Discovery in Neuronal Networks
- Kathleen Wilkie, University of Waterloo:
The Effects of Aging on Brain Biomechanics and an Examination of the Pulsation-Damage Hypothesis for Hydrocephalus
- Alan Wineman, University of Michigan:
Some Topics from Continuum Mechanics Related to Brain Neuromechanics
Back to 2010-2011 Event Listing