Enter the name of the minisynmposium organizer.
Affiliation: Enter the affiliation or address of the
minisymposium organizer.
Email: Enter the email address of the minisymposium organizer.
Title: Enter the title of the minisymposium.
Coauthors: Enter the names (and addresses) of other minisymposium
organizers, if any.
Abstract: Provide a description of the minisymposium, approximately
100 words.
Provide information on all talks in the minisymposium, including
the names, email addresses and affiliations of the speakers,
the titles of the talks and, if available, the abstract for
each talk not to exceed 100 words.
Each minimsymposium should have 4 speakers. The time for each
minisymposium is 2 hours or 1.5 hours depending on the schedule.