Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events in the year July 2001 - June 2002.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from
June-August 2012, please see our video archive.
For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please
consult the audio/slides home page.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
December 2001
November 2001
October 2001
Coxeter Lecture Series
- October 29, 2001: Eugene Golub, Stanford University:
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature (Part 1)
- October 30, 2001: Eugene Golub, Stanford University:
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature (Part 2)
- November 1, 2001: Eugene Golub, Stanford University:
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature (Part 3)
- March 11, 2002: Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington:
Solving Wave Propagation Problems in Heterogeneous Media (Part 1)
- March 12, 2002: Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington:
Solving Wave Propagation Problems in Heterogeneous Media (Part 2)
- March 14, 2002: Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington:
Solving Wave Propagation Problems in Heterogeneous Media (Part 3)
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
- April 25, 2002: Damir Filipovic, Princeton University:
Affine Processes and Applications in Finance
- January 30, 2002: Rene Garcia, Universite de Montreal:
Preferences, State Variables and Option Pricing
- November 28, 2001: Christian Gourieroux, Paris IX University and University of Toronto:
Pricing with Splines
- March 27, 2002: Harry Panjer, University of Waterloo:
Overview of Risk Measurement and Management in Insurance Companies
- April 24, 2002: Gerald Quinlan, Sungard Trading and Risk Systems:
Modelling Credit Risk in Convertible Bonds
- January 30, 2002: Eric Renault, Universite de Montreal:
Dynamic mixture models of option pricing
- March 27, 2002: Shaun Wang, SCOR Reinsurance Company:
Risk Measurement and Management in Insurance Companies
- March 27, 2002: Stuart Wason, MMC Enterprise Risk Consulting, Ltd:
Risk Measurement in Insurers
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Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
- Natalia Alexandrov, NASA:
Variable-fidelity models in optimization of simulation-based systems
- Dr. Miguel F. Anjos, University of Waterloo:
A New Mathematical Programming Framework for Facility Layout Design
- Heinz Bauschke, Simon Fraser University:
The method of reflection-projections for convex feasibility problems with an obtuse cone
- Richard J. Caron, University of Windsor:
Preprocessing Mathematical Programmes with Random Sampling
- Francois Glineur, FPMS:
Analyzing Conic Problems involving a single second-order cone constraint
- Hugo Lara, UCLA:
Condition and Complexity Measures for Infeasibility Certificates of Systems of Linear Inequalities and Their Sensitivity Analysis
- Jean Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS:
A framework for discrete duality
- Marcel Mongeau, Université Paul Sabatier:
Partial separability, graph theory, and global optimization
- Michael J. Todd, Cornell University:
Detecting infeasibility in interior-point methods for optimization
- Professor Levent Tunçel, University of Waterloo:
Geometry of Homogeneous Convex Cones, Duality Mapping, and Optimal Self-Concordant Barriers
- Henry Wolkowicz, University of Waterloo:
A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite Programming Framework
- Yin Zhang, Rice University:
A Global Optimization Problem in Computational Biology: Molecular Replacement Problem
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- David Brillinger, University of California, Berkeley:
An Exploratory Data Analyisis (EDA) of the Paths of Moving Animals
- Sir David Cox, Oxford University:
Graphical models for the interpretation of data: some recent developments
- Augustine Kong, deCode Genetics:
A High Resolution Recombination Map of the Human Genome
- Michael Newton, Univeritsy of Wisconsin - Madison:
A statistical approach to modeling genomic aberrations in cancer cells
- Daryl Pregibon, AT&T Labs:
Graph Mining: Discovery in Large Networks
- James Robins, Harvard University:
Optimal Treatment Regimes
- Elizabeth Thompson, University of Washington, Seattle:
Monte Carlo estimation of multipoint linkage lod scores
- Rob Tibshirani, Stanford Univerity:
Least angle regression, forward stagewise and the lasso
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Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science
(April 16-18, 2002)
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Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
- Robert Almgren, University of Toronto:
Optimal execution with nonlinear cost functions and trading-enhanced risk
- Peter Carr, Courant Institute, NYU:
Derivatives, Duality, and Time Reversal
- Matt Davison, Western Ontario:
Pricing swing options: numerical approaches
- Adam Kolkiewicz, University of Waterloo:
Pricing American style contracts on multiple assets using simulations
- Yuying Li, Cornell University:
Discrete Hedging Using Piecewise Linear Risk Minimization
- David Pooley, University of Waterloo:
Convergence of numerical methods for uncertain volatility models
- Philip Protter, Cornell University:
The Longstaff-Schwartz algorithm for pricing American options actually works
- Dan Rosen, Algorithmics:
Advanced methods for pricing and managing loan portfolios
- Brad A. Shadwick, The Finance Development Centre Limited, London:
Business/modelling issues in Option Pricing
- Stanislav Uryasev, University of Florida:
Risk management using conditional Value-at-Risk
- Petter Wiberg, University of Toronto:
Dimension reduction in the computation of value-at-risk
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Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
- Jaques Bélair, Université de Montréal:
Dynamical Modeling of Drug Delivery
- Ross Cressman, Wilfrid Laurier University:
Spatial Patterns and Reaction-Diffusion Equations
- Alf Gerisch, The Fields Institute:
Numerical Methods for the Simulation of Taxis-Diffusion-Reaction Systems
- Leon Glass, McGill University:
Dynamics in Genetic Networks
- John Guckenheimer, Cornell University:
Multiple Time Scales in Neural Systems
- Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba:
A deterministic model for assessing therapeutic strategies of HIV
- Mark Henkelman, The Centre for Applied Genomics, Toronto:
Imaging for mouse phenotyping - a computational challenge
- John Hsieh, University of Toronto:
Estimation of HIV Infection Rates and Projection of AIDS Incidence from HIV/AIDS Diagnosis Data
- Eugene M. Izhikevich, The Neurosciences Institute, La Jolla, CA:
Computational Challenges in Bursting Dynamics
- Daniel Kobler, TM Bioscience:
Combinatorial optimization and genomics: the example of a Toronto company
- Carlo R. Laing, University of Ottawa:
Stabilization of "bumps" by noise
- Xinzhi Liu, University of Waterloo:
Management of Biological Populations via Impulsive Control
- Michael Mackey, McGill University:
Understanding Periodic Hematological Disease: Insights from Mathematics Translate to the Bedside
- John Milton, The University of Chicago:
Time delays and noise are intrinsic features of the nervous system
- Steven Ruuth, Simon Fraser University:
Convolution-generated motion as a link between cellular automata and continum pattern dynamics
- Sven Sigurdsson, University of Iceland:
Discrete particle and continuous density models of fish migration
- Jianhong Wu, York University:
Multiple periodic attractors in an excitatory delayed neural networks
- Simon X. Yang, Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS) Lab School of Engineering, University of Guelph:
Neural Dynamics and Computation for Visual Information Processing in Vertebrate Retina
- James Yorke, University of Maryland:
Determining the Sequence (i.e. The ACGT's) of a Genome
- Len Zaifman, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto:
The Ontario Centre for Genomic Computation: Services and Capacity of Genomic Proportion
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
- Uri M. Ascher, University of British Columbia:
On advantages and limitations of structure preserving difference schemes for differential equations
- Klaus Böhmer, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany:
Numerics for bifurcation and dynamics in partial differential equations
- Sue Ann Campbell, University of Waterloo:
Computing higher order terms for centre manifolds for delay equations
- Walter Craig, McMaster University:
Traveling surface water waves
- Eusebius Doedel, Concordia University:
Continuation of periodic solutions in conservative systems with applications to the figure-8 orbit of Montgomery, Chenciner and Simo
- Mitrajit Dutta, University of New Hampshire:
Robust route to unshadowability in physical systems
- Donald Estep, Colorado State University:
Preservation of invariant rectangles under discretization
- Jorge Galan, University of Sevilla:
Bifurcations of relative equilibria and continuation of tori in Hamiltonian systems with symmetries
- Karin Gatermann, Berlin and ORCCA, London:
Symbolic computations for chemical reaction systems
- Martin Golubitsky, University of Houston:
Coupled oscillators and symmetry
- Willy Govaerts, University of Ghent:
Bursting, homoclinics, period doublings and blue sky catastrophes in neural models
- John Guckenheimer, Cornell University:
The forced van der Pol equation revisited
- Michael E. Henderson, TJ Watson Reasearch Center:
Multiple parameter continuation/computing implicitly defined manifolds
- Tony Humphries, University of Sussex:
Travelling waves (TWs) in lattice differential equations (LDEs)
- Arieh Iserles, University Cambridge:
Computational and dynamical aspects of double-bracket flows
- Angel Jorba, University of Barcelona:
Models for the dynamics of the Trojan asteroids
- Oliver Junge, University of Paderborn:
A rigorous computer assisted analysis of the global dynamics of an infinite dimensional map
- Herb Keller, Caltech/UCSD:
Preserving stability of steady states of dynamical systems upon discretization and a cure for instabiltiy
- Yannis G. Kevrekidis, Princeton University:
"Coarse" integration/bifurcation analysis via microscopic simalators: micro-galerkin
- Eric Kostelich, Arizona State University:
Chaotic data analysis: Is it really any good?
- Bernd Krauskopf, University of Bristol:
Computing unstable manifolds in delay differential equations
- Herb Kunze, University of Guelph:
Using the Banach fixed point theorem to solve inverse problems in differential and integral equations
- Rachel Kuske, University of Minnesota:
Isolating the stochastic dynamics in models sensitive to noise
- Gregory Lewis, The Fields Institute:
The numerical approximation of the normal form ceofficients for a double Hopf bifurcation
- Andre Longtin, University of Ottawa:
The Challenges of memory effects in neurodynamical systems
- Kurt Lust, K.U. Leuven:
Bifurcation analysis of large-scale systems via timesteppers
- Kirsten Morris, University of Waterloo:
Controller design for infinite-dimensional systems
- Jim Murdock, Iowa State University:
Finding preserved geometrical structures in dynamical systems via normal forms
- N. Sri Namachchivaya, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Nonstandard reductions of noisy mechanical systems
- Israel Ncube, York University:
Change of criticality of Hopf bifurcation for a multiple-delayed system of identical neurons: Some computational challenges
- Dan Offin, Queens University:
Instability of symmetric minimizing orbits for Hamiltonian systems
- Bart Oldeman, University of Bristol:
A numerical implementation of Lin's method for homoclinic branch switching
- Hinke Osinga, University of Bristol:
Computation and visualisation of two-dimensional global manifolds
- Randy Paffenroth, Caltech:
AUTO2000 and continuation of periodic orbits around Lagrange points
- Dirk Roose, K.U. Leuven:
Computing periodic solutions and homoclinic orbits of delay differential equations using DDE-BIFTOOL
- Andy Salinger, Sandia National Labs:
Stability analysis algorithms for large-scale applications
- Bjorn Sandstede, The Ohio State University:
On the numerical computation of PDE spectra of travelling waves
- Tim Sauer, George Mason University:
Shadowing breakdown and large simulation errors
- Samuel S.P. Shen, University of Alberta:
Forced evolution equations as asymmetric dynamical systems: bifurcation, stability, and collision of uniform solutions
- John Stockie, University of New Brunswick:
Parametric resonance in immersed boundaries
- Emily Stone, Utah State University:
Nonlinear models of dynamics in drilling
- Andrew Stuart, University of Warwick:
Particles in a random velocity field
- Edriss S. Titi, University of California:
Postprocessing galerkin methods
- Erik S. Van Vleck, Colorado School of Mines:
Computation of spectral intervals for nonautonomous linear differential equations
- W. Yao, University of Western Ontario:
Competitive modes and their applications
- James Yorke, University of Maryland:
Ensemble weather forecasting: when good forecasts go bad
- Yuan Yuan, University of Western Ontario:
A review of the computation of the simplest normal forms
- Dwight Barkley, University of Warwick, UK:
Dynamics in the Cylinder's Wake
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Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
Back to 2001-2002 Event Listing
CRM-Fields Prize Lecture
(October 25, 2001)
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