March 13, 2025

MINUTES - June 8, 2002

Present : Gary Flewelling, Lynda Graham, George Gadanidis, Miroslav Lovric, Ysbrand de Bruyn, Walter Whiteley, Bill Higginson, Peter Taylor, Doug McDougall, Dragana M, Geoffrey Roulet

9:30 to 10:00 refreshments
10:00 start
A light lunch will be served at a suitable time


1. Discussion of the documentation under preparation by the On-line Task Force. It is intended that the finished products will be sent to a wide variety of interested parties such as Boards of Education, Departments of Mathematics in Universities and Colleges, Faculties of Education, commercial enterprises, etc., etc.
- Final copy of White Paper on math education webpage for reading
- communication document under writing
- 1 page insert also?
- 4 page mock up report card (see attachment by Stewart Craven)
- forum discussion around content, context (contextualize it)
- link report card to other organized online events, promote discussion (not just Q & A)
- reduce listings and duplications
- it's not a quiz, because no right answers
- who is the audience? School boards vs. Ministry vs. Developers vs. Univ./Colleges vs. Teachers
- build from examples
- Fields acknowledgement
- have issues in Communication document prior to November meeting, announce White Paper, preamble to encourage reading, call for next meeting (part of a process)

2. Continuing the discussion of the two Canadian Mathematics Education Fora under development by the Canadian Mathematical Society - May 2003 in Montreal and 2004 or 2005 in Toronto.
- see attachment, email from Eric and Bradd to Christianne about CMS meeting
- result was a good response, therefore will have strong impact
- keynote speaker (narrow vs. general area)
- need to consider political goals
- worried that CMS conference will be about mathematicians only
- discussion about topics for CMS: include exemplars, lessons
- how curriculum gets developed, read, redeveloped
- how build vibrant math community that makes things happen in coherent way
- need to stress issue of research in math education