March 13, 2025

MINUTES - October 16, 2004

Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum
October 16, 2004

Present: Rob Andrews, Trish Byers, Claire Burnett, Chantal Buteau, Stewart Craven, Gord Doctorow, Shirley Dalrymple, George Gadanidis (chair), Bradd Hart, Robin Kay, John Keyes, Pat Margerm, Dragana Martinovic, Paul McGuire, Joyce Mgombelo, Mollie O'Neil, Jamie Pyper, Tom Salisbury, Tom Sepp, Tom Sutton, Margaret Sinclair, Chris Suurtamm

Meeting convened at 10am

1. Welcome

2. Future Meeting dates and topics
November 20, January 22, February 19, March 19, April 23, June 18

3. Reports
- OAME: Stewart Craven reported on the Continuing Vision Project, with publication possibly in February 2005. The OAME conference is being held at York University - May 12-14, 2004 and is looking for new sessions.
- OCMA: John Kezys noted the upcoming OCMA conference, to be held at Talisman May 25-27, 2005
- Margaret Sinclair asked for research reports suitable for inclusion in the January meeting of the forum.

4. Teacher eLearning Project
Paul McGuire reported on the Mathematics Program of the Teacher eLearning project, with assistance from Stewart Craven, Pat Margerm, and Margaret Sinclair. This three year research project involves the Learning Partnership, York University, and several local Boards. It evaluates on-line teacher development in a mathematical context. The report may be downloaded in pdf format here.

5. Math Camp
Chris Suurtamm reported on her experience organizing a Math camp for teacher candidates at the University of Ottawa. A report in pdf format may be downloaded here.

4. Early Years Intitiative
Chris Suurtamm reported on research related to the Early Years initiative. A report in pdf format may be downloaded here.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.