March 13, 2025

April 23, 2005


Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum
April 23, 2005

Present: Rob Andrews, S. Ejaz Ahmed, Anthony Azzopardi, Adam Brown, Steve Brown, Cathy Bruce, Chantal Buteau, Stewart Craven, Melanie Christian, Shirley Dalrymple, Yshrand de Bruyn, Gord Doctorow, Rick Elliott, Wayne Erdman, Michael Frankfort, George Gadanidis (Chair), Bryn Harris, Bradd Hart, William Higginson, Leo Jonker,Diane Lang, Wensheng Liu, Miroslav Lovric, Donna Kotsopoulos, Dragana Martinovic, Susan London McNab, Joyce Mgombelo, David Poole, Jamie Pyper, Nenad Radakovic, Len Rak, Geoffrey Roulet, Tom Salisbury, Riaz Saloojee, Anne-Marie Scullion, Margaret Sinclair, Tom Sutton, Tony Szeto, Peter Taylor, Jacques Theoret, William Weiss, Walter Whiteley, Yiqiang Zhao

The meeting convened at 10am

Update on Natalie Sinclair, she had a baby girl. Natalie has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and is having surgery on Monday, April 25, 2005. Well wishes by e-mail only.

1. Welcome

- OAME - Stewart Craven reminded everyone of the upcoming Conference at York University, May 12 - 14, 2005. Expecting an outstanding program.

- OMCA: Stewart Craven announced a workshop before the conference, with Florence Glanfield.

- OCMA: Tom Sutton reminded people about their upcoming conference at Talisman May 25 - 27, 2005!

- CMS Forum - less than 2 weeks away. Bradd Hart made an announcement about the Public Lecture with Stephen Lewis, May 6, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Medical Science Auditorium.

- OCT Submissions: Margaret Sinclair stated that the submission will be posted on the website. Tom Salisbury thanked her for her work on this project.

2. Peter Taylor, Queens University: Reviewed how AFIC and GDM were designed, with room from investigation etc. He passed out a discussion document that had been requested by the engineering Deans. Discussion document in PDF format.

3. Anthony Azzopardi, Ontario Ministry of Education: Curriculum Review - Adjustments to the concepts and topics in 12U Math.
- Anthony Azzopardi presented an overview of the curriculum review process. So far, the focus has been on grades 9 & 10 lumped in with grades 1 - 8. Grades 11 and 12 were on the shelf until grades 1 - 8 and 9 -10 were complete. Grades 9 - 10 would be on the website very soon and Grades 1 - 8 by mid-June. Anthony said that the S.Q.C. (Sustaining Quality Curriculum) Review happens every 5 years.

- Data were presented showing high failure rates in 11U/C and 9 Applied, and low enrolment in 12 College Tech. This is partially addressed by the 9-10 changes, but changes to 11-12 are required. Some problems: lack of trig in 11U, close overlap between 11U and 11U/C, poor preparation of 11 personal finance for 12 College, no direct access to 12 college tech from 10 applied, dropping enrolment in 12 GDM.

A general discussion of the 11 and 12 curriculum ensued. Some points were the need for trig in 11, cutting back on calculus techniques (but not concepts) to give time for more proficiency in basic algebra, were conics and loci would go if the current 11U/C becomes 11U.

After lunch the discussions focused on specifics of AFIC and GDM. The formal process for COU review of the eventual proposals will be brief, probably September-October. Interested individuals should organize discussions before the formal call, and advise their Deans of who is prepared to respond to the call for review.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.