March 13, 2025

January 28, 2006


As a follow-up to our meeting on Math and Media (28 January), a draft document is on the following web page:
Please, have a look at it, and email me your comments, suggestions about what to add, etc. I will keep updating the page. The idea is to produce a document that we will use to revisit the topic some time later and also to work on the issues raised.

Miroslav Lovric




Fields Mathematics Education Forum
Saturday, January 28, 2006 , 10am-2pm.

Room 309 (James Stewart Library)
Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto

Topic: Mathematics and the Media

1. Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA

2. Math and Media, introduction by Miroslav Lovric

3. Math and Society, a talk by Keith Devlin

4. Panel 1 - The view from the community - Eric McMillan and Siobhan
Roberts. Our guests will briefly share their impressions of the image of
mathematics in various media. There will be a followup discussion on such things as: What are the images of math in the community? What should we be doing to alter these images?

5. Panel 2 - Mathematics and science reporting - Louise Brown and Peter Calamai. Our guests will briefly share their experiences of reporting on math and science issues. There will be a followup discussion on such things as effective communication with the media.

A light lunch will be served around 12 noon.

Forum dates for Winter 2006:
Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 29, May 27

RSVP 416 3489710 ext. 3018 or