MathEd Forum

March 13, 2025

October 21, 2006

Present: Anderson, Cheryl; Andrews, Rob; Banjevic, Lillian; Bardas, Adina; Brown, Burke; Bruce, Cathy; Chen, Stephen; Craven, Stewart; Dalrymple, Shirley; dePeiza, Rad; DiPietro, Frank; Doctorow, Gord; Fioroni, Marcella; Foley, Noel; Fu, Pauline; Gadanidis, George; Higginson, W.; Karadog, Zekeriya; Kotsopoulos, Donna; LaCroix, Lionel; Lovric, Miroslav; Madras, Neal; Martruovic, Drapana; Mgombelo, Joyce; Northcott, Katie; Poole, David; Pyper, Jamie; Raguimov, Ilouldeuz; Rak, Len; Saloojee, Riae; Seto, Michael; Sinclair, Margaret; Steprans, Juris; Stewart, Kathryn; Taylor, Peter; Thompson, Peter

The meeting convened at 10am

1. Welcome by Margaret Sinclair

- OAME - There are good chapter conferences going on and details can be found on their webpage at:

- OMCA: They would like to invite representatives from the Colleges and Universities to attend their meetings.

- OCMA - Working on the Conference to be held on May 23-24 at Tallisman.


2. Introduction

3. College and university perspectives
Presentation by Marcella Fioroni - pdf of presentation here

4. High school perspective
Presentation by Kathryn Stewart - pdf of presentation here

5. Research perspectives - presentation not yet available.

Wrap-up and discussion

6. Theme: Challenging mathematics
Math competitions at elementary - Stewart Craven
Math olympics- Rad de Peiza
Math circles - Rad de Peiza

- Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.