March 28, 2009
Fields MathEd Forum Meeting
10 am - 2 pm
Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto
1. Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG, and others
2. Announcements, updates
3. Morning Theme: Early Numeracy [Dragana Martinovic]
* Alex Lawson (Lakehead U): The Development and Progression of
Children's Invented Calculation Methods from Direct Modelling to
Efficient Algorithms: A Longitudinal Case Study
* Panel on Early Numeracy: Rina Cohen (Professor, OISE, UofT),
Pat Milot (Curriculum Consultant, Mathematics K-8, DSBN), and Sandra
Rowell (Hamilton Wentworth District School Board)
4. Afternoon: Interactive session - Learning Mathematics by Reading;
critical look at written sources in mathematics, K-12 and first-year
university. [Mollie O’Neill, Maritza Branker and Miroslav Lovric]
A light lunch will be served around 12 noon.
Remaining winter/spring term meetings: 25 April, 30 May