MathEd Forum

March 13, 2025

May 30, 2009
Fields MathEd Forum Meeting

Fields Math Ed Forum Meeting
30 May 2009, 10 am - 2 pm
Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto


1. Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG, and others
2. Announcements, updates

3. Morning:
* Welcome and Introduction to the theme "Promoting Statistics Literacy"
* David Spiegelhalter: Risk roadshow: real-world probability as part of maths outreach
* Karen Lawrence: Statistics literacy in the classroom
* Sandra MacIntyre and Mary Townsend: ESTAT as a resource for the statistics teacher

4. Lunch break: statistical work display (students in Shirley Dalrymple's

5. Afternoon:
* Amy Lin: The Halton Peel Data Fair
* High school teacher panel: Marsha Melnik, Henry Tam, Wayne Erdman, and Anthony
Meli: Issues with the Grade 12 Data Management course

A light lunch will be served around 12 noon.

Next meeting: September 2009 (to be announced)



