MathEd Forum

March 13, 2025


October 30, 2010 11:30AM – 4:00PM
Faculty of Education (Neil Building), Room 2220
401 Sunset Ave., University of Windsor, Windsor, ON

11:30–12:30 Lunch and registration (in 3R)
12:30 Welcoming remarks [TBD] (in 2220)
12:35 Reports: OAME, OMCA, CMS, CMESG, etc.
12:40 Individual presentations followed by a panel discussion

Presenters and panelists:
Dr. Pat Rogers (University of Windsor)
Dr. Florence Glanfield (University of Alberta)
Dr. Immaculate Namukasa (University of Western Ontario)
Dr. Richard Barwell (University of Ottawa)

2:30 Coffee break in the Lobby

3:00 Presentation (in 2220)

Presenter: Dr. Brenda Gunderson (University of Michigan)

Abstract:  How can instructional technologies enhance teaching and promote student learning?  In this session I will demonstrate technologies useful in a variety of disciplines and classroom settings, and talk about how such technology can be used to improve learning inside and outside the classroom.  The specific technologies discussed will be: interactive lecture notes, personal response systems (or “clickers”), pre-lab lessons, and lecture capture.

3:30 Open discussion

4:00PM Adjournment


Pat Rogers (University of Windsor) B.A. (Oxon), M.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (London)

Dr. Pat Rogers has been Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, since July 2001. Dr. Rogers came from York University, where she was professor of mathematics and education since 1981 and founding Academic Director of the Centre for the Support of Teaching (1989-94 and 1998-2001). Dr. Rogers’ research and teaching interests lie in mathematics, the influence of culture on mathematics education, and university teaching and learning. Among her publications are two co-edited books: Voices from the Classroom (2001) and Equity in Mathematics Education: Influences of Feminism and Culture (1995). She has received numerous honours and awards for her teaching and research, including the national 3M Teaching Fellowship (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – STLHE - 1990) and the Polya Lectureship (Mathematics Associate of America - 1992). She has served the education community in several leadership roles, among them as President of STLHE (1995-2004) and Chair of Council for the International Consortium for Educational Development (1995-2003). She is currently Past-Chair of the Ontario Association of Deans of Education (2005-2009).

Florence Glanfield, Ph.D. (University of Alberta)

Dr. Florence Glanfield is of Métis ancestry and is currently an Associate Professor of mathematics education and Associate Chair at the Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta. Her classroom-based research interests stem from her experiences as a learner. Florence works with First Nation communities, elementary and secondary students, and elementary and secondary mathematics pre-service and in-service teachers. During her career, Florence had over 170 research and professional conference presentations for provincial, national, and international audiences; and developed over 75 different workshops that have been offered in numerous locations across Canada. Her focus is on the ways in which students, and particularly learners, at all age levels - kindergarten through university and in-service teachers - are engaged.

Immaculate Namukasa (University of Western Ontario)
Dr. Immaculate Namukasa is an Assistant Professor in mathematics education. She joined the faculty at Western from the University of Alberta, where she obtained her Doctoral degree in the department of Secondary Education. Before that she taught secondary school mathematics and geography in Uganda. Immaculate’s stance is that thinking mathematically is more than perceiving, interpreting and experiencing mathematically; it is seen as acting and being in ways that expand the landscape of what is mathematically possible. Immaculate’s research includes themes like, how students make sense of mathematics, the phenomenology of knowing, the role schooling plays in globalization, problem solving and its mathematical, experiential and pedagogical role, theoretical discussions on use of virtual or concrete teaching materials, and curriculum reform in developing countries. She adopts metaphors from complexity science to investigate these issues and to inform her teaching.

Richard Barwell (University of Ottawa)

Dr. Richard Barwell is Associate Professor in mathematics education. His research is located in the intersection of mathematics education and applied linguistics, with a particular focus on multilingualism/bilingualism in the teaching and learning of mathematics and the use of discourse analysis in mathematics education. Richard’s research interests include mathematics classroom discourse, discursive psychology, mathematics learning in multilingual settings and the relationship between learning language and learning curriculum content. Prior to his academic career, Richard taught mathematics in the UK and in Pakistan, where his interest in language and mathematics first arose.

Brenda Gunderson (University of Michigan)
Dr. Brenda Gunderson is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Statistics.  She is the first Instructional Support Services (ISS) Faculty Showcase Member ( as part of an initiative to identify and celebrate, through publically viewable video series, faculty members who use interesting and innovative technological elements to improve the learning experience of their students.

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