Innovative Mathematics Teaching at Ontario Colleges
26, 2013, 10AM - 2PM
Humber College, North Campus, Governor's boardroom (B101)
North Campus, 205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto,
M9W 5L7
There is free Saturday Parking at the North Campus!
We are meeting in B101, building B: Please use Lot
13, LOT 14, or LOT 9.
See the map of the North Campus at:
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10:00 - 10:10am Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG, CMS, and
Welcome from Paula Gouveia, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, Humber College
10:10 - 10:45 am Rebecca Milburn (Associate Dean, Mathematics
and Preparatory Programs, Humber College):
Supporting Math in the Post-secondary
Abstract: Humber has embarked on an ambitious plan to
support math success in the college system. From a mobile math
help centre to a faculty lead Community of Practice to a "Head
Start Math" program for all new students. These initiatives
and the impact on students and faculty will be presented.
Biography: Dr. Milburn received her Ph.D. in chemistry
from York University and her M.A in Education from Central Michigan
University. Currently, she is the Associate Dean for Preparatory
Programs and Mathematics. She has over 40 conference and invited
presentations, and scientific publications, including numerous
collaborations with student co-authors. She is also a member of
an inter-disciplinary team investigating factors contributing
to student success in mathematics in the post-secondary environment.
Her research has received funding from the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Institutional Grant,
as well as the Humber Research Fund.
10:45 - 11:15 am Anand Karat (Vretta):
10,000 Hours of Mathematics
Abstract: In his book Outliers, Malcom Gladwell describes how
people achieve mastery in any task by practicing it for 10,000
hours. Through this discussion on '10,000 hours of Mathematics',
we will examine best practices that are being followed by professors
to motivate students to make math a part of their daily lives
to attain mastery.
Biography: Over the past 7 years, Anand Karat has worked
with various post-secondary academic institutions to identify
key factors that lead to students dropping out of their 1st year
quantitative courses such as mathematics, statistics, and accounting.
He partnered with colleges to design and develop various pedagogies
and learning methods that help students identify their strengths
and improve their areas of weaknesses through the use of highly
innovative cloud learning technologies.
Today, Anand runs a successful educational technology organization
called Vretta that is positively transforming the learning experience
for thousands of students through a unique mastery and adaptive
based approach of experiencing mathematics.
Anand holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Bangalore University
and an MBA from Queen's University.
11:15 am - 12:15 pm Karen Lawrence (Mohawk College):
Statistical savvy students…who are they?
Abstract: From differentiating the varied use of statistical
terms in ordinary English conversation to the development and
use of formal logical thinking abilities, students in all disciplines
benefit from having a working knowledge of statistics. The "techie"
students just want to cook statistics with science
and other research based subject students just want to memorize
terminology and concepts. It's the combination and resulting interplay
of both that give the total package...a savvy student who will
head into the workforce as a savvy consumer of statistics.
Biography: Karen holds a Master's in Applied Statistics
and spent a decade travelling the world working and teaching for
international organizations such as DuPont, Apple Computer, Massey
University (New Zealand) and Amadeus Global Distribution Systems
(France). Karen has spent the last decade teaching at Mohawk College
and McMaster University promoting the on-going reforms in statistics
12:15 - 1:00 pm LUNCH BREAK
(Light refreshments provided)
1:00 - 2:00 pm Cameron Redsell-Montgomerie (Humber College):
The Calculator - The future of Calculators in the Classroom
Abstract: Calculation is a ubiquitous part of mathematics
classes, whether it is the students doing the calculation by hand
or a device doing the calculation for the student. Thanks to a
number of recent technological developments students now have
more powerful calculators available to them, both in the classroom
and in everyday life. For this presentation we will look at some
of these options, from advanced pocket calculators, to mobile
apps and websites. The focus will be on applications that are
free (or very low cost) and available to all students, and faculty,
with an Internet connection. There will also be an in depth look
at Wolfram Alpha, a web based information and calculation database.
Bring your laptops and mobile devices to try the software.
Biography: Cameron Redsell-Montgomerie is the coordinator
for the Math Centre at Humber College. He also teaches various
courses, ranging from Nursing Statistics to the Mathematics of
Finance. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's
degree of Statistics from the University of Guelph. Cameron's
love of mathematics and statistics is always evident. He believes
that technology is a tool, not a crutch, for students and advocates
its appropriate use. Cameron's enthusiasm motivates students from
all disciplines, and with all abilities, to engage in the material
they are learning.
2:00 Adjournment
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