29 , 2014 at 10 am-2 pm
Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG, CMS,
and other.
10:10 AM – 10:15 AM Introduction by Walter Whiteley (The
Chair of the Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award Committee).
10:15 AM – 11:15 Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij (The first recipient
of the Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award for Innovation and Excellence
in Promoting Mathematics Education): Translating Japanese Mathematics
Learning and Teaching Practices for North American Contexts.
Abstract: What are the key aspects of Japanese mathematics
learning and teaching practices? Which and how can North American
discourses can be used to interpret these educational practices
to understand and use in North American classrooms? An overview
and key highlights of the findings from a research study that aims
to explain, interpret and translate the underlying and significant
aspects of an Eastern mathematics educational discourse of Japanese
learning and teaching practices are provided.
Bio: Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij is currently the mathematics program
coordinator, kindergarten to grade 12 for Toronto Catholic District
School Board, York University course instructor for ABQ Intermediate
Mathematics and AQ PJ Mathematics courses, curriculum developer/writer
and doctoral candidate focused on mathematics education. Prior
experiences include principal of an elementary MST-focused school,
past-president of OAME, LNS mathematics student achievement officer,
and mathematics pre-service teacher education at York University.
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Short presentations on a theme: “From
innovative practice to theory: The road [roller-coaster] less traveled”
1. Bronna Silver & Leslee Minitti (St. Andrews P.S.)
Bio: The important thing about Leslee is that she loves to read.
She is a lifelong learner and a grade one teacher. Leslee has
worked as a Literacy consultant, a Special Education resource
teacher and taught grades one to six but the important thing about
Leslee is she loves to read!
Bio: Bronna Silver has been teaching at St. Andrews Public School
for 13 years, all of them in the primary/junior division. She
has worked in close partnership with her fellow colleague Iain
Brodie and Professor George Gadanidis on Making Classroom-Home
Math Connections. Research - Practice: Nurturing relationships
for teaching, learning and well-being. She presented at the Ontario
Institute for Studies in Education, and continues to explore the
benefits of integrating language, math, and the arts to meet the
needs of every child’s multiple intelligence. She has
embraced her schools philosophy that “Every child will receive
what they need to succeed,” and is committed to ensure that
each of her lessons are open ended, inquiry based, creative, interactive,
and fun! Bronna is currently teaching a double grade 2/3 class,
and is in her second year as part of the school leadership team
as the Curriculum Primary Chairperson.
2. Amanjot Toor (Peel District School Board): My experiences
teaching grade 6-8 and their relationship to PhD studies.
Abstract: The presentation will reflect on my experiences of
teaching grade 6- 8 mathematics using stories. Further it will
draw on my ongoing PhD thesis – a hermeneutic interpretive
phenomenological research study, which aims to explore the meaning
of teachable moments from the lived experiences of grades 6-8
mathematics teachers. A primary and necessary stage of hermeneutic
phenomenological study is for researchers to begin their research
with a personal story. Hence, I document personal and their cognitive
faculties. In this presentation I will share some of these personal
Bio: Amanjot Toor, a storyteller by nature, is a middle school
Mathematics and French teacher in the Peel District School Board.
She has Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Integrated with Computer
Application from Brock University and Bachelor of Education in
Intermediate and Senior from Queen’s University. She obtained
her Masters of Education from Brock University where the focus
of her research was on mathematical identity of undergraduate
mathematics students. She explored undergraduate students’
perceptions of themselves as capable mathematics learners. Currently,
she is a PhD student at Brock University specializing in the field
of cognition and development. Her aim is to research the ways
in which ‘teachable moments’ can be defined and utilized
in mathematics class.
3. Jennifer Clark (St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School)
Bio: Jennifer has been teaching secondary school mathematics
for 13 years, 11 of them in the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland,
and Clarington Catholic District School Board. She is a strong
believer that all students can find success in math class, and
has an interest in the role that self-assessment can play in helping
students to succeed. Jennifer is currently working as the Curriculum
Chair of Mathematics at St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School
in Bowmanville.
4. John Kezys (Mohawk College): My Blended Teaching Experience
at Mohawk College
Abstract: One hundred percent of the courses taught at Mohawk
College were to be blended starting January 2014. Blending
means that a course that is taught for three hours per week in
class was converted to two hours of class time and the remaining
hour of course content was to be covered by students with independent
online work. I will share my impressions of this teaching
Bio: For the past 31 years I really enjoyed my opportunity to
teach a wide range of mathematics and statistics courses at Mohawk
College. At present I teach developmental mathematics, primarily
pre Health math. I am a past president of the Ontario Colleges
Mathematics Association and a long standing member of the Fields
MathEd Forum Steering Committee.
12:15 PM -1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
(Light refreshments provided)
1:00 PM– 2:00 PM Panel Discussion on a theme: “From
theory to innovative practice: the road [roller-coaster] less traveled”
Hope Smith is a (very) mature student in the Concurrent Education
program at York University. After spending 12 years volunteering
and working in her children's schools, she was persuaded to get
her teaching degree, and is now hoping to specialize in primary
STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to make
sure that all students receive an early, quality STEM education.Hira
Siddiqi has just recently graduated from the York University faculty
of education concurrent program. Her goal is inspire every student
to reach their highest potential. She is currently teaching high
performing students in grades 3 and 4 at Spirit of Math Schools.
Cheryl Teixeira graduated from York University’s Concurrent
Education program in 2012. She is a firm believer in continuous
professional development and through her experiences as a student
and a teacher, has become especially interested in cultivating
her teaching of mathematics. Cheryl is currently teaching at Joseph
Howe Senior Public School in Scarborough.
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