Mathematics and Equity
26, 2015 at 10 am-2 pm
Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto
Light refreshments will be available starting at 9:30 a.m. and
lunch will be served at a convenient time during the meeting.
Fields staff will assist you with all audiovisual equipment before
your talk. Our standard audio-visual equipment provided for a talk
with slides is a screen with data projector and Fields laptop computer
if needed. In addition our lecture room is equipped with chalk boards
for your use. The standard options for slides are:
1. The preferred and most reliable option is a PDF file presented
on a Fields computer. Please bring your slides on a USB key or send
them in advance to :
2. A PowerPoint presentation (any format) from your own laptop.
Please bring your laptop at least 15 minutes in advance of the talk
so we can assist you with the set up.
Please contact
if you have any questions about the AV set up.
Theme: A mathematical amuse-bouche to prepare your mind for
the year ahead
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, CMESG, CMS, and other.
10:15 AM - 10:50 AM
Amy Lin
Title: IGNITE Your Passion
Abstract: Two years ago we brought Ignite to the OAME
Conference. Ignite is an event that is in over 100 cities worldwide.
At the events, Ignite presenters share their passions, using 20
slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total of just
five minutes. I will share more on Ignite and show some of our
highlights and talks from last year's Ignite OAME.
Bio: Amy Lin's background in the sciences and the arts helps
explain why her passion in mathematics education is to develop both
the logical and creative aspects of the subject. She is currently
a teacher and math coach at Craig Kielburger SS and is a PhD candidate
in math education. Amy is often asked to speak on mathematics teaching
and learning around the province and beyond and she is an author
on a number of mathematics resources for students and teachers at
both the elementary and secondary levels. Amy has won awards for
teaching and leadership, and has worked as a teacher, department
head, math coach, a program consultant, a ministry researcher and
provincial lead. She has initiated and successfully led many professional
development projects in school boards in Ontario.
10:50 AM - 11:25 AM
Charles Anifowose
Title: The Taming of Chance - Background on the Project,
Winners Announcement, What's the Next Question ?
11:25 AM - 12:00 AM
Ed Barbeau (University of Toronto)
Title: Problems that get into the underlying structure
Abstract: A difficulty in teaching is to get students
really in touch with underlying mathematical structure so that
fluency means more than technical competence; they need to acquire
a feeling for the concepts and operations that allow them to make
judgments and work with a sense of direction and strategy. I will
talk about some problems that I have used with school students
that induce this broader outlook. One requirement for the use
of such problems in the classroom is a teacher whose own mathematical
experience enables her to respond appropriately to whatever ideas
the students throw up. I will conclude with a plea for a greater
exchange of examples and classroom experiences.
Bio: Ed Barbeau is professor emeritus of mathematics at
the University of Toronto. He has taught courses directed to intending
and practising teachers of mathematics and to a general audience,
as well as given workshops for teachers and visited high schools.
In the past, he was heavily involved in mathematical contests and
accompanied five Canadian teams to the International Mathematical
Olympiad. He is currently an associate editor of Crux Mathematicorum.
His webpage is
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
LUNCH BREAK (Light refreshments provided)
1:00 PM - 1:10 PM
Tony DeRose (Video)
Title: Pixar: The math behind the movies (Video)
1:10 AM - 1:35 AM
Kristian Howald (Sheridan College)
Title: Mathematical Thinking in Modern Art Production (Interview)
Abstract: Kristian Howald is a veteran animator and special
effects specialist who is now training dozens who are making up
the next generation of the art. In this live interview, the Forum
will have a chance to chime in on how mathematics education impacts
the careers and craft of the creative class working in the entertainment
1:35 AM - 2:00 AM
Joe Geraci (CAMH)
Title: Applied Math at the Cutting Edge of Research
2:00 PM
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