March 13, 2025

Math Ed Forum Meeting Minutes

February 17, 1998

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Bill Allan, Maggie Cheverie, Don Curran, Don Dawson, Gordon Dowsley, Gary Flewelling, Lynda Graham, Gila Hanna, Myrna Ingalls, Mary Lou Kestell, Bill Langford, Neal Madras, Ken Marchant, Doug McDougall, John McKnight, Mi Min-Oo, Eric Muller, Janice Nikon, Donald Rousson, Peter Saarimaki, Jeff Shiffrin, Marg Warren, David Zimmer


Shirley Dalrymple, Bill Higginson, John Kezys, Joan Wick Pelletier, Peter Taylor

Bill Langford welcomed the group.
Myrna Ingalls reviewed progress on the RFP for the development of the Gr 9-12 Mathematics Curriculum Policy.
· writers pretty well in place
· big team, by design, to get all views represented
· 3 weeks summer writing
· 2 teams, 9/10 (Romiens et al) and 11/12(Ingalls et al)
· 15 courses in all
· Judy Crompton project manager
· French bid will be separate (there will be coordination
· between the winners of the English and French bids)

Bill Langford indicated that the Field's Institute meets the criteria to be "the proponent" in the bid.
· good to have partnerships
· Toronto District Board is a partner
· OSSTF supports our bid (and throws in $2000)
· Nortel will contribute $20K
· CIBC will provide letter of credit
· have the support of OISE
· have the support of York U.
· expect Waterloo and Queen's support
· cost of preparing bid not reimbursed by MET
· Canadian Publishers Council approached, but they were concerned about conflict of interest
· Marg Warren suggested we approach education resource companies (Sharp, TI, Casio, HP, Maple Group, Microsoft, Rockwell, etc. Someone else suggested insurance companies, eg, Sun Life)
· don't know of any competing bids
· talk about the importance of putting our philosophy up front in our proposal (our letter and the policy document)

Adjourned for dinner at 7:00 p.m.