May 5-8, 2005
7th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific
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Almendral, Ariel |
TUDelft |
AL-Yakoob, Salem |
Kuwait University |
Anand, Christopher |
McMaster University |
Arbenz, Peter |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Aruliah, Dhavide |
University of Western Ontario |
Azimi, Aziz |
Sharif University of Technology |
Bader, Michael |
TU Muenchen |
Bawa, Rajesh K. |
Punjabi University |
Bridson, Robert |
University of British Columbia |
Butler, Jeff |
University of Waterloo |
Carrington, Tucker |
Université de Montréal |
Chan, Tony |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Chartier, Tim |
Davidson College |
Chen, Zizhong |
University of Tennessee |
Choi, Hae-Won |
University of Toronto |
Christara, Christina C. |
University of Toronto |
Coleman, Thomas |
Cornell University |
Conn, Andrew R. |
IBM Watson |
Cormier, Sarah |
University of British Columbia |
Dahu, Wang |
Beijing jiaotong university,China |
De Sterck, Hans |
Dollar, Hilary "Sue" |
Oxford University |
Eberl, Hermann J. |
University of Guelph |
Emet, Stefan |
Abo Akademi University |
Fischer, Paul |
Argonne National Laboratories |
Fischer, Rainer |
Technical University of Munich |
Forsyth, Peter |
University of Waterloo |
Greif, Chen |
University of British Columbia |
Gutknecht, Martin |
ETH Zurich |
Halabieh, Omar |
University of Waterloo |
Hamdouni, Mohamed |
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal |
Hartmann, Judith |
TU Muenchen |
Henson, Van |
Hochstenbach, Michiel |
Case Western Reserve University |
Hoemke, Lars |
Research Center Juelich |
Hu, Jonathan |
Sandia National Laboratories |
Ipsen, Ilse |
Jalili-Kharaajoo, Mahdi |
University of Tehran |
Jarre, Florian |
Du"sseldorf |
Kelley, Tim |
Kincaid, David |
University of Texas at Austin |
Krop, Elliot |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
Langou, Julien |
The University of Tennessee |
Li, Zhongze |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Lo, Shih-Ching |
National Centre for High-Performance Computing |
MacLachlan, Scott |
University of Colorado at Boulder |
Manteuffel, Thomas |
University of Colorado at Boulder |
Melnik, Roderick |
Wilfred Laurier University |
Monell, Victor |
Weyerhaeuser |
Ng, Esmond G. |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Olsen, Luke |
Brown University |
Oosterlee, Kees |
Delft |
Parks, Michael |
Sandia National Laboratories |
Perminov, Valeriy |
Belovo Branch of kemerovo State University |
Qaddouri, Abdessamad |
Meteorological Service of Canada |
Rickard, Yotka |
McMaster University |
Roummel, Marcia |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Sadkane, Miloud |
University of Brest |
Shen, Chi |
Kentucky State University |
Stadler, Georg |
University of Graz |
Stathopoulos, Andreas |
College of William and Mary |
St-Cyr, Amik |
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) |
Strang, Gilbert |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Szyld, Daniel B. |
Temple University |
Tanoh, Germain |
Universidad de Chile |
Terlaky, Tamás |
McMaster University |
Thomas, Stephen |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Tougas, Jane |
Dalhousie University |
van Geemert, Rene |
Walker, Homer |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Wan, Justin W.L. |
University of Waterloo |
Wang, Yinhua |
SAS Institute Inc. |
Wathen, Andy - Speaker |
Oxford University |
Wei, Hua |
University of Waterloo |
Wong, Kwai |
University of Tennessee/ORNL |
Zhang, Jingrui |
University of Toronto |
Zhou, William |
SAS Institute Inc. |
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