Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW)
August 14-18, 2006
Organizers: Huaxiong Huang, Barbara Keyfitz,
Nilima Nigam
Registered particpants as of August 12, 2006
Fullname |
University Name |
Alberti, Lionel |
Universite de Nice |
Arino, Julien |
University of Manitoba |
Aruliah, Dhavide |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Baddour, Natalie |
University of Ottawa |
Bohun, Sean |
Penn State Mont Alto |
Bowman, Christopher |
National Research Council |
Breward, Chris |
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford |
Buono, Luciano |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Chau, Roger |
University of Waterloo |
Cottrell, David |
McGill University |
Craig, Walter |
McMaster University |
Cumberbatch, Ellis |
Claremont Graduate University |
Ding, Yichuan |
University of Waterloo |
Djoumna, George |
Universite de Laval |
ElSheikh, Ahmed |
McMaster University |
Fan, Guangzhe |
University of Waterloo |
Ghobeity, Amin |
University of Toronto |
Gordon, Richard |
University of Manitoba |
Gregov, Sandra |
McMaster University |
Grodzevich, Oleg |
University of Waterloo |
Gumel, Abba |
University of Manitoba |
Gumel, Abba |
University of Manitoba |
Halevy, Itamar |
Hazaveh, Kamyar |
University of Toronto |
Henda, Redhouane |
Laurentian University |
Huang, Huaxiong |
York University |
Jaimungal, Sebastian |
University of Toronto |
Jiang, Xiamei |
University of Toronto |
Kavazovic, Zanin |
GIREF - Universite de Laval |
Keyfitz, Barbara |
The Fields Institute |
Khan, Kamran |
University of Toronto |
King, Andrew |
McGill University |
Lan, Kunquan |
Ryerson University |
Langridge, Allan |
University of Toronto |
Lewis, Gregory |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Li, Song |
University of Saskatchewan |
Liu, Jian-Guo |
University of Maryland |
Liu, Rongsong |
York University |
Madras, Neal |
York University |
Melnik, Roderick |
Wilfred Laurier University |
Minhas, Ravi |
University of Toronto |
Monifi, Elham |
University of Waterloo |
Nigam, Nilima |
McGill University |
Perez Abarca, Juan Manuel |
McGill University |
Podder, Chandra Nath |
University of Manitoba |
Pourziaei, Bobby |
York University |
Pugh, Mary C. |
University of Toronto |
Raymond, Christopher |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Rodrigues, Hildebrando |
Icmc-Universidade de Sao Paulo |
Romanko, Oleksandr |
McMaster University |
Rossi, Louis |
University of Delaware |
Sabbagh, Mohammad S. |
Isfahan University of Tech. |
Salisbury, Thomas |
The Fields Institute |
Seeman, Tamar |
Bar Ilan University |
Sharomi, Oluwaseun |
University of Manitoba |
Shioda, Romy |
University of Waterloo |
Shontz, Suzanne |
The Pennsylvania State University |
Tritchenko, Olga |
McGill University |
Vaidya, Naveen |
York University |
Wang, Steven Xiaogang |
York University |
Warlow, Scott |
Manulife |
Williams, JF |
Simon Fraser University |
Witelski, Thomas P. |
Duke University |
Wu, Jianhong |
York University |
Wylie, Jonathan |
City University of Hong Kong |
Youbissi, Fabien Mesmin |
Université Laval |
Zhu, Jiaping |
McMaster University |
INVITED/Not Confirmed |
Milevsky, Moshe Arye |
IFID Centre |
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal |
University of Waterloo |
Hallett, Michael |
McGill University |
Rosen, Dan |
Fields Institute |
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