October 13, 2009 -- 4:00 p.m.
An event to celebrate creative writing in mathematics and
Fields Institute,
222 College Street
You are invited to an event to celebrate creative writing
in mathematics and science and the publication of "The
Shape of Content", edited by Chandler Davis, Marjorie
Wikler Senechal and Jan Zwicky.
Creative writing about the content of mathematics and science
is rare, and creative writing about the activity of mathematics
and scientific creation is even rarer. This book arose from
a unique and remarkable endeavor with practitioners who engage
this content in their work.
We hope that graduate students, postdoctoral fellows or other
academics who would be interested will attend this event extolling
creative writing on mathematics and science by thinkers, artists
and academics.All creative thinkers welcome! FREE EVENT
Featuring the Eminent Mathematicians
Robert Moody, Alex Kasman, Philip Holmes, Donal O
Shea, Marjorie Wikler Senechal and Chandler Davis
And Musicians Aaron Davis and Brent Pym
Reception 4 pm
Music 4:30 pm
Performances and talks 5 pm
Invitees include:
Marco Abate, Università di Pisa
Colin C. Adams, Williams College
Madhur Anand, University of Guelph
Sandy Marie Bonny, Univ. of British Columbia
Wendy Brandts, University of Oxford
S. Isabel Burgess, University of Toronto
Robin Chapman, University of Wisconsin Madison
Chandler Davis, University of Toronto
Florin Diacu, University of Victoria
Adam Dickinson, Brock University
Susan Elmslie, Dawson College
Claire Pratt Ferguson
Emily Grosholz, Pennsylvania State University
Lauren Gunderson
Philip Holmes, Princeton University
Alex Kasman, College of Charleston
Ellen Maddow
Robert Moody, University of Alberta
Donal O'Shea, Mount Holyoke College
Joan L. Richards, Brown University
Manil Suri, University of Maryland,
Randall Wedin, Wedin Communications
Marjorie Wikler Senechal, Smith College
Paul Zimet
Jan Zwicky, University of Victoria |