it is well known, SciCADE is the conference series on Scientific Computation
and Differential Equations. Previous SciCADE meetings have been held
in Auckland (1993), Stanford (1995), Grado (1997), Fraser Island (1999),
Vancouver (2001), Trondheim (2003), Nagoya (2005), Saint Malo (2007)
and Beijing (2009). SciCADE 2011 will be held in Toronto and SciCADE
2013 will take place in Valladolid, Spain. It remains to be decided
where SciCADE 2015 will be held.
Those wishing to organize the SciCADE 2015 conference are thus invited to submit their proposal to Ken Jackson (krj@cs.utoronto.ca). The deadline for submission is 1 May 2011. The winner of the bid will be determined by the SciCADE 2011 Scientific Program Committee. This proposal should include specific information with respect to the following items:
* Proposed date and place
* Format of the meeting (number of plenary talks, minisymposia,...) * Focus areas of the scientific program * Conference facilities * Plan for financing, including which expenses are intended to be covered by the organizers, and approximate conference fee. Note that the conference format should reserve slots (and funds if required) for the following:
* Dahlquist Prize (administered and sponsored by SIAM)
* New Talent Award (administered by the Scientific Program Committee) * Butcher Prize in Numerical Analysis (sponsored by ANZIAM) |