Verwer Memorial Minisymposium, II
by Christopher Budd
Burrage, University
of Queensland |
cells to tissue: coping with heterogeneity through fractional models
Huang, University of Kansas
of moving mesh methods for linear parabolic partial differential
Moving meshes have been becoming a necessary tool for use in the
numerical solution of problems with time varying geometry and problems
with moving features such as shock waves and interfaces. In the
former case, a boundary fitted moving mesh is often used to accurately
track and represent the moving boundary while in the latter case
an adaptive, moving mesh is typically used to follow and adapt to
the moving features. While improving accuracy and efficiency of
the numerical simulation, moving meshes introduce extra convection
terms and other complexities that make the theoretical analysis
of moving mesh methods or methods using moving meshes challenging.
In this talk, we will discuss the stability of several moving mesh
methods for solving linear parabolic partial differential equations.
Co-author:Forrest Schaeffer |
Darmstadt University of Technology |
Implicit Methods for Optimal Control Problems
this talk, we will consider time discretizations of linearly implicit
type for ODE-constrained nonlinear optimal control problems. The
ODE is first discretized and the arising discrete optimal control
problem is then solved by approximating the first order optimality
conditions. For Runge-Kutta methods, additional order conditions
have to be satisfied to achieve order three for optimal control
problems (Hager, 2000). For large scale problems, the complexity
of implicit Runge-Kutta schemes can be significantly reduced by
applying linearly implicit Runge-Kutta-Rosenbrock methods with
inexact Jacobians. We will present order conditions for these
methods up to order three. The performance of newly designed methods
is discussed for academic as well as real-life problems.