in Methods for Hyperbolic Equations, II
Organized by
Martin Berzins, University of Utah
Lilia Krivodonova, University of Waterloo
Minisyposium, the first of two, will address recent advances in the
solution of hyperbolic equations. Topics included will be include methods
such as Discontinuous Galerkin methods as well as new finite volume
schemes and substantial impriovemnets of existing schemes to preserve
positivity or to better postprocess the existing high-order solutions.
University of Toronto
Parallel High-Order Solution-Adaptive CENO Scheme on 3D Cubed-Sphere
Grids for Space-Physics Flows
high-order central essentially non-oscillatory (CENO) ?nite-volume
scheme in com- bination with a block-based adaptive mesh re?nement
(AMR) algorithm is developed for three-dimensional (3D) cubed-sphere
grids and applied to space-physics ?ows governed by hyperbolic partial
di?erential equations. The proposed cubed-sphere simulation framework
is based on a genuine multiblock implementation, leading to ?ux
calculations, adaptivity, implicit solves and parallelism that are
fully transparent to the boundaries between the six cubed-sphere
grid sectors. The high-order CENO formulation is naturally uniformly
high- order on the whole cubed-sphere grid including at sector boundaries.
Numerical results to demonstrate the accuracy and capability of
the proposed framework are presented.
University of Waterloo
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Hyperbolic Problems on Cartesian
Grids with Embedded Geometries
Methods based on Cartesian grids with embedded geometries have advantages
over computations on unstructured grids in terms of mesh generation
and computing costs. However, cut cells are difficult to deal with
due to their small size which leads to a restrictive CFL condition
and irregular shapes which are difficult to integrate on. We present
an approach of dealing with cut cells based on cell merging in the
discontinuous Galerkin method. How to deal with integration on such
elements and to |
University Of Utah
ENO and DG Positivity Preserving Methods for Time Dependent Problems
The derivation and theoretical properties of a class of high-order
data-bounded polynomials on general meshes will be given. Such polynomials
make it possible to circumvent the problem of Runge-type oscillations
on evenly spaced meshes by adaptively varying the stencil and order
used, but at the cost of only enforcing C0 solution continuity at
data points. It will be shown that the use of these high-order provably
data-bounded polynomials,provides a way to develop positivity preserving
polynomial approximations as well as methods of potentially high
orders for hyperbolic equations using WENO and DG Methods.
University of Waterloo |
for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods