Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications
Andreas Blass (U. Michigan), Alan Dow (U. North Carolina,
Justin Tatch Moore (Cornell), Juris Steprans (York U.)
Stevo Todorcevic (U. Toronto)
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Arrival Date |
Departure Date |
Ando, Hiroshi |
09-Sep-12 |
17-Sep-12 |
Arisaka, Sohei |
Keio Univesity |
09-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Asperó i Herrando, David |
Technische Universitaet Wien |
21-Oct-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Audrito, Giorgio |
Universitŕ degli Studi di Torino |
07-Sep-12 |
16-Dec-12 |
Avilés, Antonio |
University of Murcia |
01-Sep-12 |
04-Nov-12 |
Bagaria, Joan |
Universitat de Barcelona |
To be confirmed |
To be confirmed |
Bartosova, Dana |
University of Toronto |
01-Jun-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Bartoszynski, Tomek |
National Science Foundation |
02-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Beros, Kostas |
University of Wisconsin |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Bice, Tristan |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Blackadar, Bruce |
University of Nevada, Reno |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Blackmon, Michael |
University of North Carolina Charlotte |
23-Aug-12 |
20-Dec-12 |
Blass, Andreas |
University of Michigan |
07-Sep-12 |
14-Dec-12 |
Borodulin-Nadzieja, Piotr |
University of Wroclaw |
01-Oct-12 |
31-Oct-12 |
Brech, Christina |
University of Săo Paulo |
17-Sep-12 |
01-Dec-12 |
Brendle, Joerg |
Kobe University |
21-Oct-12 |
20-Nov-12 |
Brenken, Berndt |
University of Calgary |
07-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Brodsky, Ari |
University of Toronto |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Brooke-Taylor, Andrew |
Kobe University |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Cancino-Manríquez, Jonathan |
02-Jul-12 |
20-Dec-12 |
Carmody, Erin |
CUNY Graduate Center |
06-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Chodounsky, David |
The Fields Institute |
18-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Clark, Lisa Orloff |
University of Otago |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Cody, Brent |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Cox, Sean |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Dahya, Raj |
Křbenhavns Universitet |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Di Prisco, Carlos |
Instituto Venezoland de Investigaciones Cientifigas |
22-Oct-12 |
24-Nov-12 |
Dobrinen, Natasha |
University of Denver |
17-Jul-12 |
21-Dec-12 |
Doucha, Michal |
Charles University in Prague |
06-Sep-12 |
10-Oct-12 |
Dow, Alan |
UNC Charlotte |
01-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Drucker, Ohad |
The Hebrew University |
13-Aug-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Eagle, Christopher |
University of Toronto |
01-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Eckhardt, Caleb |
Purdue University |
08-Sep-12 |
09-Sep-12 |
Eisworth, Todd |
Ohio University |
23-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Eisworth, Todd |
Ohio University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Elliott, George |
University of Toronto |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Eskew, Monroe |
UC Irvine |
26-Sep-12 |
19-Nov-12 |
Farah, Ilijas |
York University |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Farkas, Barnabas |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
06-Sep-12 |
16-Sep-12 |
Feng, Qi |
National University of Singapore |
02-Nov-12 |
30-Nov-12 |
Ferenczi, Valentin |
Universidade de Săo Paulo |
21-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Fernández Bretón, David |
York University |
02-Jul-12 |
10-Aug-12 |
Fernández Bretón, David |
York University |
26-Sep-12 |
21-Dec-12 |
Ferro, Leonardo |
University of Madrid Carlos III |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Flaskova, Jana |
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen |
14-Aug-12 |
16-Sep-12 |
Floricel, Remus |
University of Regina |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Foreman, Matthew |
University of California, Irvine |
06-Nov-12 |
10-Nov-12 |
Friedman, Sy David |
Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic |
To be confirmed |
To be confirmed |
Garcia Balan, Sergio Atayan |
23-Jul-12 |
18-Dec-12 |
García, Luz María |
University of Barcelona |
21-Oct-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Gaspar Arreola, Miguel Angel |
02-Jul-12 |
20-Dec-12 |
Ghasemi, Saeed |
York University |
01-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Ghasemloo, Kaveh |
University of Toronto |
01-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Gitik, Moti |
Tel-Aviv University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Goldstern, Martin |
Technische Universität Wien |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Guzman, Osvaldo |
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas |
02-Jul-12 |
20-Dec-12 |
Hamkins, Joel |
05-Aug-12 |
25-Aug-12 |
Hart, Bradd |
McMaster University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Hathaway, Daniel |
University of Michigan |
03-Sep-12 |
15-Dec-12 |
Hay, Daniel |
University of Toronto |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Haydon, Richard |
Brasenose College, University of Oxford |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Hill, Aaron |
University of North Texas |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Hirshberg, Ilan |
Ben Gurion University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Hrusak, Michael |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
11-Oct-12 |
30-Nov-12 |
Ikegami, Daisuke |
University of California, Berkeley |
10-Nov-12 |
18-Nov-12 |
Ioana, Adrian |
University of California, Los Angeles |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Juhász, István |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
03-Oct-12 |
31-Oct-12 |
Kada, Masaru |
Osaka Prefecture University |
03-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Kada, Masaru |
Osaka Prefecture University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Kania, Tomasz |
Lancaster University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Kanovey, Vladimir |
Russian Academy of Sciences |
16-Sep-12 |
03-Oct-12 |
Katsura, Takeshi |
Keio University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Kechris, Alexander |
California Institute of Technology |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Kerr, David |
Texas A&M University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Kerr, David |
Texas A&M University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Khomskii, Yurii |
University of Vienna |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Kibedi, Francisco |
York University |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Komjáth, Péter |
Eötvös Loránd University |
01-Sep-12 |
21-Oct-12 |
Koszmider, Piotr |
Polish Academy of Sciences |
05-Sep-12 |
31-Oct-12 |
Koutsoukou Argyraki, Angeliki |
University of Copenhagen |
06-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Krueger, John |
University of North Texas |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Kubis, Wieslaw |
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
04-Oct-12 |
31-Oct-12 |
Kuhnle, Alan |
University of Florida |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Laflamme, Claude |
University of Calgary |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Lambie-Hanson, Christopher |
Carnegie Mellon University |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Larson, Paul |
Miami University |
01-Sep-12 |
15-Dec-12 |
Li, Zhiqiang |
Fields Institute |
09-Sep-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Lin, Huaxin |
University of Oregon |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Lindenhovius, Bert |
Radboud University Nijmegen |
07-Sep-12 |
16-Sep-12 |
López-Abad, Jorge |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) |
19-Oct-12 |
29-Nov-12 |
Lupini, Martino |
York University |
30-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Lutley, James |
University of Toronto |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Magidor, Menachem |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
20-Aug-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Malliaris, Maryanthe |
University of Chicago |
24-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Martínez-Ranero, Carlos |
21-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Mathias, A. R. D. |
University of La Réunion |
11-Oct-12 |
14-Nov-12 |
May, Natasha |
York University |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
May, Natasha |
York University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
McKenney, Paul |
Carnegie Mellon University |
04-Sep-12 |
30-Nov-12 |
Mejia, Diego |
Kobe University |
21-Oct-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Melleray, Julien |
Université Lyon 1 |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Mildenberger, Heike |
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
05-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Mildenberger, Heike |
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Miller, Arnold W. |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
02-Aug-12 |
01-Dec-12 |
Milovich, David |
Texas A&M International Univerisity |
17-Jul-12 |
25-Jul-12 |
Mitchell, William |
University of Florida |
05-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Miyamoto, Tadatoshi |
Nanzan University |
09-Aug-12 |
16-Aug-12 |
Miyamoto, Tadatoshi |
Nanzan University |
10-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Moore, Justin Tatch |
Cornell University |
04-Sep-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Mota, Miguel Ángel |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Nashaat, Sherif |
McGill University |
27-Sep-12 |
21-Dec-12 |
Nawata, Norio |
Chiba University |
03-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Neeman, Itay |
University of California, Los Angeles |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Neeman, Itay |
University of California, Los Angeles |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Ojeda Aristizabal, Diana Cristina |
Cornell University |
07-Aug-12 |
18-Dec-12 |
Okayasu, Rui |
Osaka Kyoiku University |
09-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
O'Rourke, Devon |
University of Wisconsin Madison |
11-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Orovitz, Joav |
Ben-Gurion University |
08-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Pachl, Jan |
Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Passos, Marcelo |
Universidade Federal da Bahia |
07-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Pawlikowski, Janusz |
University of Wroclaw |
20-Oct-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Peng, Yinhe |
National University of Singapore |
17-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Perlmutter, Norman |
CUNY Graduate Center |
11-Nov-12 |
18-Nov-12 |
Petzka, Henning |
University of Toronto |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Phillips, N. Christopher |
University of Oregon |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Raghavan, Dilip |
National University of Singapore |
02-Oct-12 |
18-Dec-12 |
Rainone, Timothy |
Texas A&M University |
07-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Rawla, Mandeep Singh |
SLIET Longowal |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Rennet, Alexander |
University of Toronto |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Reznikoff, Sarah |
Kansas State University |
09-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Rinot, Assaf |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Rodríguez Vanegas, Daniel |
Carnegie Mellon University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Rřrdam, Mikael |
University of Copenhagen |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Rosendal, Christian |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Sabok, Marcin |
Polish Academy of Sciences |
16-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Sakai, Hiroshi |
Kobe University |
20-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Sako, Hiroki |
Kyoto University |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Santiago Moreno, Luis |
University of Oregon |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Sargsyan, Grigor |
Rutgers University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Sasyk, Roman |
Instituto Argentino de Matematica |
03-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Schimmerling, Ernest |
Carnegie Mellon University |
08-Sep-12 |
09-Sep-12 |
Schindler, Ralf |
WWU Münster |
01-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Shani, Assaf |
Hebrew University |
02-Aug-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Shelah, Saharon |
Hebrew University |
28-Sep-12 |
07-Oct-12 |
Shi, Xianghui |
Beijing Normal University |
01-Jul-12 |
02-Jan-13 |
Sinapova, Dima |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
08-Aug-12 |
18-Aug-12 |
Sinapova, Dima |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Soukup, Dániel Tamás |
University of Toronto |
23-Aug-12 |
20-Dec-12 |
Soukup, Lajos |
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics |
07-Aug-12 |
07-Sep-12 |
Stadnicki, Wojciech |
Univeristy of Wroclaw |
11-Nov-12 |
18-Nov-12 |
Steprãns, Juris |
York University |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Tajiri, Shohei |
Osaka Prefecture University |
03-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Tall, Franklin |
University of Toronto |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Thomas, Simon |
Rutgers University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Tikuisis, Aaron |
Universität Münster |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Todorcevic, Stevo |
University of Toronto and C.N.R.S., Paris |
04-Sep-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Toms, Andrew |
Purdue University |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Toms, Andrew |
Purdue University |
08-Sep-12 |
09-Sep-12 |
Tornetta, Gabriele |
University of Glasgow |
07-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Tornquist, Asger |
Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic |
27-Aug-12 |
25-Sep-12 |
Trujillo, Timothy |
University of Denver |
20-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Tserunyan, Anush |
University of California, Los Angeles |
09-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Tucker-Drob, Robin |
California Institute of Technology |
09-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Unger, Spencer |
Carnegie Mellon University |
21-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Unger, Spencer |
Carnegie Mellon University |
21-Oct-12 |
27-Oct-12 |
Usuba, Toshimichi |
Nagoya University |
12-Nov-12 |
16-Nov-12 |
Vaananen, Jouko |
University of Helsinki |
30-Nov-12 |
12-Dec-12 |
Venturi, Giorgio |
Université Paris Diderot |
20-Oct-12 |
18-Nov-12 |
Viale, Matteo |
University of Torino |
17-Oct-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Vignati, Alessandro |
York University |
10-Sep-12 |
05-Dec-12 |
Villaveces, Andrés |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
12-Oct-12 |
23-Oct-12 |
Watson, Nicola |
University of Toronto |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Weaver, Nik |
Washington University |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Weiss, Christoph |
University of California, Irvine |
03-Oct-12 |
16-Dec-12 |
Weiss, William |
University of Toronto |
15-Feb-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
White, Stuart |
University of Glasgow |
08-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Williams, Jay |
California Institute of Technology |
07-Sep-12 |
15-Sep-12 |
Wilson, Trevor |
The Fields Institute |
01-Jul-12 |
31-Dec-12 |
Winter, Wilhelm |
Universität Münster |
10-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Yorioka, Teruyuki |
Shizuoka University |
07-Aug-12 |
21-Sep-12 |
Yorioka, Teruyuki |
Shizuoka University |
22-Oct-12 |
26-Oct-12 |
Yorioka, Teruyuki |
Shizuoka University |
12-Nov-12 |
17-Nov-12 |
Zacharias, Joachim |
University of Glasgow |
09-Sep-12 |
14-Sep-12 |
Zapletal, Jindrich |
University of Florida |
22-Aug-12 |
10-Dec-12 |
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