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March 6, 2025 |
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Structured populations: three talks for an overview on numerical approximation AUTHORS and TALKS' TITLES
With the aim at investigating the dynamical behavior under parameter variation, we start by focusing on the stability of equilibria. The first talk, indeed, presents a pseudospectral approach to compute the eigenvalues of the infinitesimal generator of general linear systems of coupled DEs/DDEs. When the latter are obtained by linearizing nonlinear problems around the equilibrium of interest, these eigenvalues can determine the local asymptotic stability and their variation may lead to detect Hopf bifuractions. Solved the question of equilibria, in the second talk we make a considerable step forward by extending the pseudospectral approach directly to nonlinear problems. This way, we reduce the original delay system to a finite number of nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). We start from DDEs to arrive to coupled DEs/DDEs. The final objective is to apply existing, efficient and complete bifurcation tools for ODEs in order to prolong the investigation of the dynamics beyond equilibria, e.g., periodic orbits and their bifurcations. Both approaches, linear and nonlinear, are applied to analyze a model of "Daphnia consuming algae". As this model features several additional difficulties like distributed delays, juveniles-adults discontinuities and external ODEs, it is commonly considered as a challenging prototype in the literature. The analysis of its dynamics is thus rather prohibitive from an analytical point of view. This reflects as well on the numerical side and the third talk, in fact, serves to summarize such difficulties and to discuss possible solutions to succeed in obtaining reliable and efficient approximations. Beyond the speakers, many people are involved in the several aspects of this
broad work, a (maybe non-exhaustive) list of their names follow in alphabetical
order: Odo Diekmann (Utrecht), Philipp Getto (Dresden), Mats Gyllenberg (Helsinki),
Davide Liessi (Udine), Stefano Maset (Trieste), Andre de Roos (Amsterdam),
Francesca Scarabel (Helsinki).
Åke Brännström, Umeå
Hermann Brunner, University of Newfoundland
and Hong Kong Baptist University Wayne Enright, University of Toronto
Teresa Faria, University of Stirling
Jozsef Farkas, University of Stirling Joint work with Angel Calsina (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona).
Philipp Getto, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics In many stem cell models the maturation of stem cells is regulated by fully mature cells [4]. This may lead to formulation of continuously maturity structured population models as differential equations with state dependent delay [1,4,5]. The existing qualitative theory for such equations [7] requires smoothness of the delay functional as a function of the state, which is a history. I here focus on a submodel for the delay and discuss its smoothness [2,3,5,6]. References [1] T. Alarcon, Ph. Getto, A. Marciniak-Czochra, M.dM. Vivanco, A model for stem cell population dynamics with regulated maturation delay, Discr. Cont. Dyn. Sys. b. Supplement 2011 32-43. [2] Henri Cartan, Differential Calculus, Hermann, 1971 [3] O. Diekmann, S. van Gils, S.M. Verduyn Lunel, H.-O. Walther, Delay Equations, Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis. Springer Verlag, New York, 1995. [4] Ph. Getto and A. Marciniak-Czochra, Mathematical modelling as a tool to understand cell self-renewal and differentiation, book chapter in M dM. Vivanco (ed.) ``Mammary stem cells - Methods in Molecular Biology'' Humana press, in press. [5] Ph. Getto and M. Waurick, A differential equation with state-dependent
delay from cell population biology [7] F. Hartung, T. Krisztin, H.-O. Walther, J. Wu, Functional Differential Equations with state dependent delays: Theory and Applications, Chapter V in Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations, Volume 4, Elsevier.
Stephen Gourley, University of Surrey - Guildford Models of intra- and inter-specific competition at immature life stages will be presented. These will include a simple delay model for a single species that experiences larval competition. Its solutions are bounded for any birth function. In some situations the technique of reducing an age-structured model to a system of delay equations applies. In the case of immature competition the delay equations cannot always be written down explicitly because their right hand sides depend on the solutions of the nonlinear ordinary differential equations that arise when one solves the nonlinear age-structured equations that determine the maturation rates in terms of the birth rates. This situation arises in the case of competition between two strains or species. However, in a simple two-strain competition model, vital properties of those right hand sides can be indirectly inferred using monotone systems theory. I also discuss extensions to the case when individual larvae experience competition from other larvae at various stages of development. This is joint work with Rongsong Liu and Gergely Rost. Pierre Magal, Université de Bordeaux The second part of the presentation will be devoted to some singular perturbation results for such a class of systems. Namely we will talk about slow-fast dynamics and the question addressed here is : does it make sense to simplify the systems by using such an idea. Under some simplifying assumptions, age-structured models can be rewritten as a system of delay differential equations. We will present some recent convergence results and discuss the convergence globally in time.
We will conclude this presentation by mentioning a Tikhonov like result for a class of abstract non-densely defined Cauchy problems. We will show how this kind of results can help to understand the convergence for singularly perturbed age-structured models and also delay differential equations.
We develop an associated linear theory to equation ($*$) by taking the $m$-fold
wedge product
Stefano Maset, Universita' di Trieste In this talk, we consider the numerical solution of boundary value problems
for general neutral functional differential equations. The problems are restated
in an abstract form and, then, a general discretization of the abstract form
is introduced and a convergence analysis of this discretization is developed.
Moreover, concrete results on concrete problems are also discussed. Connell McCluskey, Wilfrid Laurier University Dynamical aspects of epidemic models with reinfection are not fully understood.
We introduce an extension of the SIRS epidemic model structuring populations
in terms of infection-age and recovery-age. Tracking individuals' history
after infection, we derive a coupled system of a delay differential equation
and a renewal equation for two dynamical variables: susceptible population
and force of infection. For some cases local and global stability analysis
will be presented. It will be shown a possibility of double Hopf bifurcation
indicated in a parameter plane, as an elaboration of an analysis in (Diekmann
and Montijn, 1982). Stability analysis is used for a possible explanation
of periodic outbreak of mycoplasma pneumoniae observed in Japan. Israel Ncube, Alabama A&M University Employing direct analytic approaches inspired by ideas from classical complex
variable theory, we investigate the problem of stability of a transcendental
quasi-polynomial often arising in modelling applications using delay differential
equations. Shigui Ruan, University of Miami Horst R. Thieme, Arizona State University, An epidemic outbreak is considered for rabies in a spatially distributed
fox population where the susceptible foxes do not move but infected foxes
diffuse with diffusion coefficients that depend on their infection-age (time
since infection). This takes into account that foxes in an early phase of
the latency period would hardly diffuse while foxes with full-blown rabies
may diffuse considerably. Since an outbreak situation is considered, the population
turnover of the fox population is ignored. This allows to transform a system
consisting of an ODE for the susceptible foxes and an age-dependent diffusion
equation for the infected foxed (similar equations can be found in [4, 8,
11, 13]) to a single space-time integral equation of renewal type for the
cumulative number of infected foxes [1, 6, 7, 9] and to find an implicit formula
for the spreading speed of the rabies epidemic [2, 3, 5, 10, 12]. As implicit
as it is, it still allows to study the dependence of the spreading speed on
the diffusion coefficients, the length of the latency period, the per capita
infection and disease death rates and other demographic or epidemiologic parameters
Xingfu Zou, University of Western Ontario In this talk, I will review some mathematical models for population dynamics
and infectious disease dynamics. These models contain spatial non-locality
caused, in the case of population dynamics, by the maturation delay and mobility
of the immature individuals, and in the case of infectious disease dynamics,
by the mobility of latent individuals. We will see how the situation of the
spatial domain and the boundary conditions will affect such non-locality,
and how the mobility of immature/latent individuals will have an impact on
the model dynamics. |
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