The Legacy of John Charles Field
June 7 - June 9, 2000
held at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
The following have agreed to participate in a celebration of
the history of the Fields Medal, in connection with World Mathematical
Year 2000 (as designated by UNESCO
and the IMU):
- Sir Michael Atiyah,
University of Edinburgh
- Alan Baker, Cambridge University
- Richard Borcherds, University of
California, Berkeley
- Alain Connes, Collège de France;
Institute des Hautes Études Scientifiques
- Timothy Gowers, Cambridge University
- Vaughan Jones, University of California,
- Maxim Kontsevich, Institute des
Hautes Études Scientifiques
- John Milnor, State University of
New York, Stony Brook
- Stephen Smale, City University
of Hong Kong
Historical lectures will be presented by
the following two speakers:
- Tom Archibald, Acadia University
- Michael Monastyrsky, Institute
for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow
The lectures by these two Fields Medallists
will be presented at the Math 2000 meeting at McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario.
- David Mumford, Brown University
and Efim Zelmanov, Yale University
Scientific Program Committee
James Arthur, University of Toronto
John Chadam, University of Pittsburgh
Donald Dawson, The Fields Institute
George Elliott, Chair; University of Toronto, University of
Copenhagen and The Fields Institute
Peter Fillmore Dalhousie University
Nassif Ghoussoub, University of British Columbia; The Pacific
Institute for the Mathematical Science
Bradd Hart, McMaster University; The Fields Institute
Bernard Hodgson , Laval University
Jacques Hurtubise, Centre de recherche mathématiques; McGill
Jerrold Marsden, California Institute of Technology
Cathleen Morawetz, Courant Institute
Carl Riehm, McMaster University
Luc Vinet, McGill University
Related Events
The 28th Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras
June 4-8, 2000
The Fields Institute
The meeting will have a transitional session
to bridge with the Fields Legacy Symposium. James Arthur, Nigel
Higson, John McKay and Adrian Ocneanu will be speaking on June 7,
2000 and participants of the Symposium are welcome to attend.
Annual General Meeting
June 6-7, 2000
University of Toronto
The meeting will focus on how mathematics
is playing a central role in meeting energy needs in the 21st century.
It will include plenary speakers - Sir Andew Huxley, Sir Michael
Atiyah, and Professor Arjen Lenstra and an industrial, job and project
June 10-13, 2000
This is a joint meeting of the Canadian Mathematical
Society, the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society,
the Canadian Operational Research Society, the Canadian Undergraduate
Mathematics Conference, the 14th Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics
and the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics.
2000 Canadian
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
June 6-10
McMaster University