The workshop is sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra. |
In the last decade computational work has become as important as theoretical and experimental work in many branches of science and engineering. Numerical linear algebra is often at the heart of many computational science and engineering problems, such as materials science simulations, computational finance, structural biology, and image and signal processing, just to name a few. The success of such computational work relies heavily on the development of state-of-the-art algorithms for solving various numerical linear algebra problems.
The goal of the Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra in Scientific and Engineering Applications is to bring together computational scientists and researchers in numerical linear algebra to foster interaction and collaboration between the two communities. The workshop will highlight not only numerical linear algebra problems arising from several computational science problems, but it will also present recent developments in the area of numerical linear algebra.
The workshop will feature both invited and contributed talks. A list of invited speakers will be available shortly. Contributed papers (in text or postscript) can be submitted by email to Esmond G. Ng (
) no later than September 15, 2001.
Notification of acceptance is expected to be around mid September, 2001.
Invited Presentations: A tentative list of invited speakers include:
Mark Baertschy,University of Colorado, Boulder
Xiao-Wen Chang, McGill University
Peter Forsyth, University of Waterloo
Francois Gygi, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia
Marko Huhtanen, Stanford University
Lieven De Lathauwer, Universite de Cergy-Pontoise,
Philippe Lemmerling, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Jim Nagy, Emory University
Olavi Nevanlinna, Helsinki University of Technology
Haesun Park, University of Minnesota
John Reid, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Jianbo Shi, Carnegie Mellon University
Baba Vermuri, University of Florida
Jacbo White, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chao Yang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Contributed Papers:
Dhavide Aruliah, The Fields Institute
Zhaojun Bai, University of California, Davis
M. Barnabei, University of Bologna
Jeff Bennighof, University of Texas
James R. Bunch, University of California, San Diego
Tucker Carrington, Universite de Montreal
Oleg Diyankov, Russian Federal Nuclear Centre-VNIITF
Kenneth Driessel, Colorado State University
Wilfried N. Gansterer, University of Tennessee
Richard B. Lehoucq, Sandia National Labs, New Mexico
Gregory Lewis, The Fields Institute
Xiezhang Li, Georgia Southern University
Nicola Mastronardi, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Richard P. Muller, CalTech
V.Y. Pravilnikov, Russian Federal Nuclear Centre-VNIITF
Justin Wan, University of Waterloo
Robert C. Ward, University of Tennessee
Yimin Wei, Georgia Southern University
Petter Wiberg, University of Toronto