Coxeter Lecture Series: Tobias Colding
Tobias Holck Colding completed the Ph.D. under Christopher Croke at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. He has been professor at MIT since 2005. Prior to coming to MIT, he served on the faculty of the Courant Institute NYU. Colding studies problems in differential geometry and PDEs. He is a foreign member of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters, and received an honorary professorship at the University of Copenhagen in 2006. He was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 2008. At the 2010 Joint Mathematics Meeting, Colding received the AMS Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry, jointly with William Minicozzi, "for their profound work on minimal surfaces." He was Norman Levinson Professorship at MIT, 2009-2014 and since 2014 Cecil and Ida B. Green Distinguished Professor at MIT. He was Senior Scholar of the Clay Mathematics Institute, 2011-2012 and again 2015-2016. In 2016, Colding received the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize for ground-breaking research in differential geometry and geometric analysis.
15:30 to 16:30 |
Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Location:Fields Institute, Room 230 |
15:30 to 16:30 |
Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Location:Fields Institute, Room 230 |
15:30 to 16:30 |
Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Location:Fields Institute, Room 230 |