About the speaker
Wolfgang Lutz is Founding Director of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, a collaboration between International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the WU-Vienna University of Economics and Business. He is also Program Director of the World Population Program at IIASA, Director of the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Applied Statistics at the WU, Professorial Research Fellow at the Oxford Martin School for 21st Century Studies, and Principal Investigator of the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis.
He has worked on family demography, fertility analysis, population projection, and the interaction between population and environment. He has been conducting a series of in-depth studies on population-development-environment interactions in Mexico, several African countries, and Asia. He is the author of the series of world population projections produced at IIASA and has developed approaches for projecting education and human capital.
Lutz is author and editor of 34 books and more than 200 refereed articles, including 8 in Science and Nature.