2015 Fields Medal Symposium: Stanislav Smirnov
Complex Analysis Meets Statistical Physics—In honour of Stanislav Smirnov
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The Symposium will be centered on the work of Stanislav Smirnov (Fields Medal 2010), and its current and potential impact. His research focuses on the fields of complex analysis, dynamical systems, and probability theory. The scientific program is aimed at a wide audience, including graduate students, mathematicians in other research areas, and scientists who use mathematics in an important way. The public opening of the Symposium will feature two mathematics lectures, one which will be given by Stanislav Smirnov. The Symposium will also have a special event for high school and undergraduate students. All events will be broadcast live online.
09:30 |
John Cardy, University of Oxford |
10:40 |
Geoffrey Grimmett, Cambridge University |
13:10 to 14:10 |
Antti Kupiainen, University of Helsinki |
14:10 |
Bernard Nienhuis, University of Amsterdam |
15:30 |
Dmitry Panchenko, University of Toronto |
19:00 |
Features Stanislav Smirnov and other speakers |
09:30 |
Dmitry Chelkak, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute |
10:40 |
Clément Hongler, University of Washington |
13:10 to 14:10 |
Steffen Rohde, University of Washington |
14:10 |
Dmitri Belyaev, University of Oxford |
17:30 |
Stanislav Smirnov, Université de Genève |
10:00 |
Rick Kenyon, Brown University |
11:10 |
Michael Aizenman, Princeton University |
13:10 to 14:10 |
Scott Sheffield, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
14:10 |
Béatrice de Tilière |
09:40 |
Anna Zdunik, Warsaw University |
11:10 |
Jacek Graczyk, Université Paris-Sud |