Arbitrage-free yield curve and bond price forecasting by deep neural networks
We consider HJM forward rate models and dynamic factor models of the term structure for forecasting yield curves and the prices of coupon bonds using filter-based recurrent neural networks. We propose machine learning models that integrate the Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter, or the particle filter with arbitrage-free free regularization using deep neural networks. We consider the impact of the arbitrage penalty on different time horizons using a data set of U.S.treasuries and corporate bond issues. We analyze the predictive performance and the results of out-of-sample tests to show the efficiency and performance of our models. Our results show that arbitrage-free regularization improves model performance most significantly at the short end of the yield curve. This is joint work with Xiang Gao.
Bio: Cody Hyndman is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Concordia University. He is the director of the Mathematical and Computational Finance program at Concordia and a co-founder of the NSERC CREATE program on Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance and Business Analytics (FIN-ML). His research interests include: mathematical and computational finance; probability and stochastic analysis; filtering and control; term-structure models; energy and commodity markets; and insurance mathematics. His recent research on machine learning algorithms and applications in finance has appeared in "Risks" and the "Journal of Machine Learning Research".