Goal Based Wealth Management
We develop a continuous time framework for goals-based investing, where the objective is to maximize the expected weighted fundedness of client's goals. Our analysis highlights the fundamental tradeoff between immediate goal consumption versus saving towards future goal liabilities. We show that it is optimal to fund an expiring goal up to the level where the marginal benefit of additional fundedness is exceeded by the marginal opportunity cost of subtracting wealth from future goals. Our comparative statics analysis reveals that the risk of the portfolio decreases if a goal has an approaching deadline, or a high priority relative to future goals. Bio: Yuchong Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto. She received her B.Sc. in Mathematics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010, and her Ph.D. in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 2015. Before joining U of T in 2018, she worked at Columbia University as a Term Assistant Professor. Her research has largely concerned stochastic optimal control and stochastic games, with applications in finance and economics.