Laver-generically large cardinal and the Continuum Problem
Let us call a class $\calP$ of posets iterable, if, for any $\poP\in\calP$ and $\calP$-name
$\utpoQ$\vspace{-0.5\smallskipamount} \st\ $\forces{\poP}{\utpoQ\in\calP}$, we have
For an iterable class $\mathcal{P}$ of posets, a cardinal $\mu$ is called {\it Laver-generically
supercompact for $\mathcal{P}$}, if, for any $\mathbb{P}\in\mathcal{P}$ and $\lambda\in\On$,
there is a $\poP$-name $\utpoQ$\vspace{-0.5\smallskipamount} with $\forces{\poP}{\utpoQ\in\calP}$ \st, letting
there are $j$, $M\subseteq\uniV[\genH]$ for $(\uniV, \mathbb{Q})$-generic
$\genH$ such that\\
\assert{1} $\elembed{j}{V}{M}$,\smallskip
\assert{2} $crit(j)=\mu$, $j(\mu)>\lambda$,\smallskip
\assert{3} $\cardof{\poQ}\leq j(\mu)$,\smallskip
\assert{4} $\poP$, $\genH\in M$ and \smallskip
\assert{5} $j\imageof\lambda\in M$.\\\\
The notion of Laver-generically superhugeness is obtained when \assert{5} is replaced by\\
\assert{5'} $j\imageof j(\mu)\in M$.
The notion of Laver-generically large cardinal for $\calP$ given here is stronger than the one
introduced in \cite{II} and is called there the {\it strongly} and {\it tightly}
Laver-generically large cardinal (the strongness corresponds the usage of two-step
iteration in the definition instead of just $\poP\circleq\poQ$, and the tightness the
condition \assert{3}).
In my talk, I will give a proof of the following:\quad
For many natural iterable class of proper posets $\mathcal{P}$, a
Laver-generically supercompact cardinal $\mu$ for $\poP$ is either $\aleph_2$ or very large (if it
and the continuum is either $\aleph_1$ or $\aleph_2$, or $\geq\mu$ in case of very large
$\mu$, where it depends on $P$ which senario we have.
If time allows, I will also sketch a proof of the following theorem:\quad
If $\mathcal{P}$ is the class of c.c.c.\ posets (or some other iterable class $\calP$ of posets preserving all
cardinalities but adding some real), and if $\mu$ is Laver-generically superhuge for $\mathcal{P}$, then
At the moment, it is open if the same theorem holds for a Laver-generically supercompact
\bibitem{II} S.F., Andr\'e Ottenbreit Maschio Rodrigues and Hiroshi Sakai, Strong
downward L\"owenheim-Skolem theorems for stationary logics, II --- \\reflection down to
the continuum, to appear in Archive for Mathematical Logic (202?).\quad