Workshop: Best Face Forward - Developing your Online Presence
With the pandemic we have all missed out on opportunities to meet in person, whether at seminars, or conferences, or even over a coffee to thrash out new ideas or discuss interesting problems. There has been an incredible amount of networking taking place online, using Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc. How can we make the most of this digital world? In this series of workshops we will work on our ‘digital profiles’. With few or no in-person events for the foreseeable future these workshops will help you build you digital profile and make the most of virtual events, social media and your digital profile. Session one we welcome professional photographer Leigh Tynan, who will walk you through how to take a ‘professional’ profile shot, and lighting for when you present online, and we will share all the platforms that you can use to make sure that you have your ‘best face forward’, and examples of great profiles. In the second session you will have had a week to build your online profile, we will break out into groups and get feedback from experienced academics, your peers, and members of our Fields team who work hard to showcase the talented mathematicians and scientists who come through the Fields Institute.
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Register here and you will receive the Zoom link upon registration.